Part 11

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The door creaked and my eyes jolted open. It took me a split second to realise what was happening. I could make out Junmyeon peering around the corner of the door, eyes squinting as he tried to identify what was going on in my bedroom. For the second time in the space of a few weeks, I had woken up next to Chanyeol. I clenched my jaw as I realised that he was in my bed, his arm draped over me. Eyes still groggy from slumber, Chanyeol looked at me sleepily and slightly confused. All of a sudden, he understood what was going on and he leapt off the bed, smoothing his clothes down, eyes flitting between me and Junmyeon.

"Your glasses are there," I said as I pointed at the nightstand as I sat upright and curled my arms under my knees. He quickly fetched them and put them on, adjusting them clumsily.

"It's not what you think, Hyung," Chanyeol muttered to Junmyeon as he stood there like a dummy, running his hands through his hair.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Junmyeon replied as he crept in and shut the door behind him, careful not to make a noise. "Minseok is still awake, he might hear us. He can't know you're in here because he will figure things out. You know what he is like..."

"Where does he think I've been for whole night? Sleeping in the bath for 6 hours?" Chanyeol asked as he titled his head sideways. I rested my chin on my knees as I listened to them, gazing at Chanyeol's messy bed hair.

"Loey, you've been asleep for an hour at most. No one knows you're in here because they're asleep themselves or have been too engrossed in the film to care. That's why I've come to get you. We need to go and wake the others up and go home: it's passed midnight!"

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach as if I'd just been on a rollercoaster. No, I don't leave. I want to carry on snuggling next to him, the smell of his Acqua Di Parma cologne gently comforting me as his soft breathing tickles my ears.

"I'll see you out," I replied as I began to stand up. I couldn't show that I was sad he was leaving. They both looked at me and nodded. Junmyeon opened the door and was surprised when he saw Minseok stood there, staring at him.

"Hey! What are you all doing in there? Are you guys having a secret tryst that no one knows about? You know I'm very open minded if you want an extra pair of...hands," Minseok winked and bit his lip. Wow is he being serious?!

"You're too much, Hyung!" Junmyeon said as he elbowed his friend playfully. "No, we were just looking at the..."

"At the records I've worked on!" I interrupted as I reached over to the collection of CDs on the shelf.

"Yes, she's worked with so many cool international bands, Baozi," Chanyeol chimed in with his deep dulcet tones. He looked at me, warmth radiating from his glance. I could tell he was enjoying sleeping on my bed.

"Fortunately, none of them had Chanyeol as a member," I pursed my lips and folded my arms. It was still important I kept up with Operation Despise Chanyeol in front of Minseok.

"Hey!" Chanyeol reacted, pulling a sad face and looking down.

"Chanyeol fell asleep on the toilet. That's why he missed the film," I said to Minseok, looking smug that I had created such a ridiculous lie to cover for Chanyeol sleeping in my bed.

Minseok burst out laughing.

"I wondered where you had gone! Awww, you fell asleep on the toilet! You big softie!"

Minseok went up to Chanyeol and reached up to ruffle his hair. Chanyeol swerved away from him and this caused him to knock into me. The impact nearly sent me flying backwards into the records but Chanyeol grabbed my waist and pulled me up. His eyes caught mine and for a moment, my world was on fire as I felt the magnetic pull between us. Junmyeon coughed as if to warn us that we were being obvious so Chanyeol let go of me: I nearly toppled over but Minseok caught me instead.

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