Part 17

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Chanyeol smiled to himself as he sat in the back of the car. Sehun was next to him, quickly flicking through Korean vogue, folding the corners of the pages that piqued his interest. Jongdae was texting his girlfriend. If Jongdae could make it work, then so can I.

His phone buzzed.

Haeun: Hi Chanyeol. I hope you are good. I'm leaving in two weeks and packing up my apartment. I found some of your things. Shall I pass them to Chae?


Chanyeol had failed to mention that Chae was a mutual acquaintance with his ex-girlfriend. That was how Chae met Jongin.

Surely Chae would have mentioned it? Chanyeol didn't see why it would be a problem anyway. It wasn't like he was still in a relationship with Haeun: he was just picking up some things from her apartment.

Nothing was going to happen.

* * *

Chae was walking to take her mid-afternoon break, the wind rattling the windows in the cafeteria. She had been on shift for six hours and didn't have chance to check her phone. She had secretly hoped Jogin had text her: she missed him. After grabbing a sandwich and some coffee, she sat down at an empty table and pulled out her phone from her bag.

Unread Messages.

HaeHae: Chae, I know we were supposed to be going for lunch after our shifts but I can't. I've arranged to meet Loey. I'll call you when I'm done xoxo

HaeHae: What if I regret this? xoxo

Ohhhh shit. Chae hadn't told her flatmate that Chanyeol used to date her work friend, Haeun. Chae didn't feel guilty for not mentioning it. After all, this new relationship with Chanyeol probably wouldn't last: she knew what her flatmate was like with relationships... a disaster. However, Chae didn't like the sound of Haeun's last text message. Regret what, exactly? Was she going to try it on with Chanyeol? Chae wasn't sure what she should do. She would ask Chanyeol about it tonight. After all, she didn't want to rock any boats. Suddenly, her phone buzzed.

Matthew: Hi Chae. I've been discharged this morning. It's been a crazy time but I was wondering if we could meet up? I've missed you! Can you make next week?

This one was a shock. Matthew had been doing his mandatory military service and she knew his time was coming to an end but didn't realise it would be this soon. All sorts of feelings swam around in her head. Should she ignore Matthew? Should she tell Jongin? Chae didn't know what to do.

* * *

After work, I came home and made myself a strong coffee. I was really looking forwards seeing Chanyeol later on without the pressure of having to resist him at work. As I was sitting on the couch, flicking through the dramas on the television, Chae came through the door looking like she had seen a ghost.

"Fucking hell," she said as she threw herself down onto the sofa. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

Chae took a deep breath. "Matthew text me. His enlistment finished and he wants to meet me next week. Just as friends."

I sighed. Not this again. Matthew was her ex-boyfriend who had ended things with her because of his enlistment. She was heartbroken over him and I didn't think he was a good influence. Meeting up with him would only cause problems.

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