Part 8

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The dawn was breaking through the open blinds was annoying. Just give me five more minutes. My eyes remained closed and I tried to fall back into a deep sleep. I pulled the covers over my shoulders until something didn't seem right. With great effort, I forced open my sleepy eyes.

Oh. No. Oh. No!

Chanyeol lay next to me, his messy blonde hair covering his face. I didn't dare move in case it woke him up. A rush of fear and regret drained my whole body and I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. What had we done?

Carefully, I turned my head to scan the room. Clothes were scattered around the room, my bag was dumped on his chair and my leather jacket was draped clumsily on his piano. How was I ever going to get out of this one?

My main concern was leaving Chanyeol's room without him waking up but I quickly realised that Chanyeol didn't live by himself; he lived with 8 other men. One of them happened to be my roommates boyfriend! If Jongin finds out then this is never going to be kept a secret....

I took a deep breath and slowly rolled out of Chanyeol's bed. Crouching on the floor, I silently gathered my clothes and put them on. As I crept over to fetch my jacket and bag, the floorboard creaked and Chanyeol stirred. Shit! I held my breath as I desperately waited for him to either wake up or go back to sleep. Luckily, he did the latter. I tiptoed out of his room and shut the door very quietly, wincing as I did so.

"Good morning!" came the chipper voice of Junmyeon as he waltzed past me, cup of coffee in his hand and a cheeky smile plastered on his face. He knows. This is so awkward.

"Oh... good, erm, morning," I replied, dying inside with embarrassment. I could not believe I had bumped into Suho. Out of all of them, this would he would be the worst. It would be most unprofessional because he was their bloody leader! I wanted to dart across to the front door and make my hasty exit but I knew that would be stupid. I had to act calm, composed and carefully.

Taking a deep breath, I glided gracefully over to the kitchen where Suho was filling his cup of coffee.

"Good night?" he asked me as he reached for a cup from the cupboard.

"Oh, no coffee for me please, I need to get a taxi to pick up my car and then go to work," I replied as I reached my hand out to stop him. He had already poured it. Nooo! I just want to escape, not sit and make awkward chat about last night!

"I am sorry, I shall pour it away," he said sounding disheartened. I knew I couldn't be rude and refuse the coffee now. It would be impolite, especially as he was a client.

"No! Actually I would like some, please. Thank you, Suho." Surely a five minute coffee wouldn't make me that late for work?

"Call me Junmyeon," he insisted as he passed me the white china cup. I sipped on my coffee as there was a silence. What do I say now?! Yes Junmyeon, I've just fucked your bandmate and now I'm off to record another bandmate's vocals. Classy.

"Where did you party?" He asked as he sat at the breakfast table.

I tried to think hard but the majority of the night was a blur. I remembered Sehun and I leaving the meal to party, and Chanyeol, the idiot, who followed Sehun like a puppy, had to tag along. I remembered dancing with Sehun and then, oh god, dancing with The Idiot. His hands over me. Going back in a taxi with him. His full lips peppering my neck with soft kisses and then his fingers slowly creeping up my thighs, sliding down under my panties and...

"Good morning," came the low, deep rasp of The Idiot as he ran his long fingers through his messy blonde hair. He had his round, silver glasses on which hid his tired eyes. He wore a navy blue sweater and baggy, dark jeans that hung off his tall frame. He looked very cute. No. He looked like a tall fool who overstepped the boundaries by dancing with me. And the rest...

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