Part 10

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"So, let me get this straight: you're wearing black jogging bottoms and a tight, low cut white v-neck shirt? Who are you trying to impress?"

Chae nudged me as we sat on her bed. She was putting on makeup ready for when Jongin and his friends came over for movie night. Obviously I had made an effort: Chanyeol needed to know what he was missing. I wasn't going to outwardly dress to impress but I wanted him to notice me.

"All of them, actually. They're clients at work. I want them to think that I'm presentable and not a slob at home," I replied with an air of snootiness.

Chae tutted at me. I wasn't making this easy for her. She wasn't going to find out about my growing feelings for Chanyeol.

"Which films shall we put on? Have you got any scary jump ones? I want to be frightened so Jongin has to protect me!"

"How did I know you'd say that?! Chae you're so predictable! But yes, we can watch 'Gonjiam Haunted Asylum". It's apparently very scary! I'm sure Jongin will appreciate you jumping on his lap all night..."

"Ah! I'm so excited. Maybe you can jump on Baekhyun's lap?!" She winked at me. More like jump on Chanyeol's lap...

"No. He is my client. No laps will be sat on. Are we ordering food?" I asked her as I stood up, trying to move on from the Baekhyun conversation and walked into the kitchen. Chae followed behind me like an excited puppy.

"Yes! Pizza. When they get here, we can discuss what we want. Not everyone loves pineapple on pizza like you..." She paused as she walked over to the cupboard and pulled out some bags of food. "I have bought some snacks and beers, can you help me put them out ready?"

I nodded and headed towards to the fridge to get the beers out. I stopped as eyed up the ridiculous amount of alcohol in the fridge.

"Ermm... there are probably 100 bottles of beer here, who is going to drink all of that?!"

"They are. And us!"

Begin Phase One of Operation: Despise Chanyeol...

"Don't tell me they are all coming?"

"Yes, why?"

I paused and frowned, trying to get the dissatisfied look on point.

"Urgh, it's going to be awkward with Chanyeol. He's been really funny with me in the studio, treating me as if I am his slave. He is always acting grumpy and difficult. I was kinda hoping he would stay at home..."

"Just ignore him then if you don't want to spend time with him! I couldn't tell Jongin not to invite him; that would be rude."

"I suppose I can hang out with Minseok and Junmyeon..."

"Ahh and Baekhyun," Chae began as we placed the snacks on the table. "I've sort of... told Jongin that you like him. And... Jongin might have sort of told Baekhyun...!" She began to giggle. My eyes grew wide. I was completely thrown by this. No wonder Baekhyun has been flirting with me in the studio...

"Oh my god, why did you do that?! He's going to want to flirt with me, Chae! I can't do that, he is a client!"

"Oh lighten up, he's only a client when you're in the office. Are you there tonight? No, you're at home. So have a bit of fun with him!"

I was about to dive into a rant about how I didn't need a man to have fun but the doorbell rang. Chae answered the door; it was EXO.

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