Part 7

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Sehun gave me a disapproving look as Chanyeol disappeared into the studio.

"Why did you do that?!" he asked me as he sat back, effortlessly in his chair. There was almost an air of sophistication about Sehun that made him seem like his was royalty. Dark hair, dark eyes, porcelain skin: he was mesmerising to look at.

"He started it," I replied trying not to sound like a petulant child.

"Give him a break, he's going through some stuff at the moment."

I rolled my eyes. Oh dear, the poor baby is going through something. Tough. It doesn't give him the excuse to be rude. All he has done is frown, sulk and refuse to speak to me. All because I didn't accept his ride home? He's not the boss of me.

I carried on with the jobs that MQ had given me, which included tracking some of Chanyeol's vocals and raps. This meant I had to concentrate on listening to his baritone voice as it vibrated through my headphones and penetrated every inch of my body, causing goosebumps to prickle on my skin. I mean, he was an idiot but his voice was kind of sexy. No. Stop it. He wasn't sexy, he was a tall, fumbling, grumpy idiot who had a vendetta against me.

Around an hour into Chanyeol's vocal recording, something strange happened. My MacBook wouldn't register anything, making me panic like nothing else had done before: this was a huge project with a lot of pressure - under no circumstances could I fuck it up. QM, Wae and Tan hadn't noticed that nothing was recording until there was a huge BANG! One of the amplifiers connected to Chanyeol's microphone had blown up, causing a cloud of grey smoke to fill the booth. Sehun and I both stared intently at each other for a second, in reaction to the bang, and then flew into the studio to see the commotion. Tan had grabbed onto Chanyeol, pulling him out of the booth and MQ was shouting something at Wae. I rushed to the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall and, holding it out in front like it was a poisonous snake, I aimed it at the amplifier and squirted. White foam sprayed everywhere and completely drenched Chanyeol and Tan. Oh dear.

"STOP!" Chanyeol bellowed as he was frantically trying to shake the white foam off his clothes and face. "Why did you do that?! THERE'S NOT EVEN A FIRE."

I felt my face flush bright red with pure embarrassment. I honestly hadn't meant to cover him in the foam. I just saw the smoke and thought there would be a fire. Wasn't it better to be safe that sorry?

"There's not even a FIRE!" MQ repeated what Chanyeol had said. Everyone was staring at me. I knew I had fucked up. Sehun began laughing until Tan shot daggers at him, causing him to put his hand in front of his mouth of disguise his chuckles.

"She did that on purpose," Chanyeol spat at me as he pointed.

"No I didn't!" I protested as I threw my hands in the air angrily. "I thought you were on fire, I was trying to be helpful. Idiot." I said the last word under my breath but I hadn't said it quiet enough because Chanyeol heard.

"What did you call me?"

"Woah, stop. This is not what we need right now," Wae interrupted putting his palms out in front of him. He shot me one of his disapproving glances, narrowing his eyes at me.

"She was only trying to help," Sehun said as he watched Tan and Chanyeol wipe the foam from their arms and chests. At least he can see I wasn't trying to be horrible.

"Oh shut up, Sehun," Chanyeol bit back. He was not in a good mood. Sehun stepped back and raised his hands, showing Chanyeol that he wasn't going to argue with his angry bandmate.

"Firstly, we need to come out of the studio because that amplifier is not safe until it has been checked out by maintenance. Tan, Sehun,  Chanyeol; I am truly very sorry, this has never happened before. We will compensate you for lost time and expenses because of this. Please, accept our deepest apologies."

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