Part 9

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Obviously Chae had to be in the kitchen making coffee when I stumbled into my apartment. She looked me up and down with a smirk. She knows. It suddenly dawned on me that she was there at the club and saw me dancing suggestively with Chanyeol. She saw me leave with him...

I couldn't hide the fact that I'd left with him but she didn't need to know we how the rest of the evening went. For all she knows, I could have slept on their sofa...

"How was he?!" she giggled into her coffee. I scowled at her so she knew I was not impressed with her abrupt questioning.

"Who?" I brushed her m off as I dumped my bag down and kicked off my shoes.

"You know who!"

I didn't reply to her straight away so there was a silence as I carried on hanging my coat up.

"If you're suggesting that something happened between that idiot, Chanyeol, and I then you are wrong. Very wrong." I had to think of something to cover my story quickly. "We were so drunk that we fell asleep, actually..."

Chae pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows: she wasn't buying my lies.

"Ask Junmyeon then if you don't believe me. He found me asleep on their sofa this morning..."

"So how did you get home then?" she asked suspiciously.

"Taxi." I couldn't have given her a quicker response.

Chae hummed in disbelief. I was really going to have to dial up my external hatred of Chanyeol now just to prove that nothing had gone on or was going on between us. Anyway, it was one drunken night. Nothing else was going to happen.

This wasn't going to be easy though because I didn't want to be too obvious around Chae. After all, everything I said to Chae would be fed back to Jongin. Jongin would be telling god knows who in EXO. Nothing was safe. I had to be methodical in my planning.

I hastily made my excuse to leave and jumped in the shower. As I got ready for work, I checked my phone to see if I had any text messages. Nothing.

Did he even have my phone number?

Walking back into the living area, I got my bag, leather jacket and left for work. Chae was getting suspicious and I needed to prove to her that I intensely disliked Chanyeol. I suddenly had an excellent idea. What if I suggest that she invites some of the boys round here for a movie night? That would give me an excuse to act outwardly mean towards Chanyeol. I could say that I wanted to get to know them better. That way, everyone could see that there was nothing going on between us. And I could prove to Chanyeol that nothing was going to happen. He was sorely mistaken if he thinks there will be a repeat of last night.

It was a perfect plan and luckily, Chae though it was a good idea. She said that she would ask Jongin if Friday night was good for them.

* * *

The studio was empty when I had arrived because I had got there so early. I wondered if Wae and QM were pleased that I had gone out with Sehun and Chanyeol? Surely it wasn't a bad thing if I was socialising with clients?

I began prepping the studio for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo's recording session when the door went. Baekhyun had arrived by himself. Please don't make this awkward. Please don't be awkward.

"Good morning!" he chimed with a smile on his face. There was no one else in the studio so he walked over to me and gave me a hug, tightly squeezing as he buried his head in my shoulder. He smelt of cinnamon and I couldn't help but hug him back. Despite coming across as a player when I first met him, Baekhyun seemed like a genuinely warm and friendly person. He pulled back from me and stood at a safe distance but not too far away.

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