Part 5

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"Hyung! I can't believe you did that..." Sehun gasped as they drove away from the studio to their apartment.

"Did what....?" Chanyeol said with the sneakiest look on his face. Sehun could tell he had reversed into her car on purpose. He had that mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he focused on the road ahead.

"You are being so extra, why are you doing this?" Sehun laughed at his friend and began texting on his phone.

"Me being extra? She is the one being extra. You didn't see her shouting at me, being insolent and rude whilst you kindly left me alone to go to the bathroom." Chanyeol grabbed the steering wheel in his right hand, his strong wrist steadying as they went over the bumps. He was driving far too fast. "You're an idiot for leaving me by myself, Oh Sehun."

"Me? You're the one who has deliberately reversed into some girl's car. And not just some girl, someone we're working with. So you need to sort it out before Tan is the one who is slapping you for being unprofessional. Isn't your precious car damaged?"

Chanyeol snorted at Sehun, almost dismissing what his Hyung had sad to him.

"So what if it is? I'll just get it fixed in the garage. It was an accident..."

Chanyeol knew it was not an accident. He didn't feel bad about it thought because she deserved it. Why did she have a vendetta against him? They hadn't even had a proper conversation so why was she judging him and being so evil? She seemed so grumpy all of the time and so miserable. She wasn't like anyone he had ever met before. He thought her grunge rock-chic look was so dated. Hadn't she ever heard of bands past the 1990s? Chanyeol tutted to himself and gripped the steering wheel tightly, slamming his foot on the gas pedal. Just thinking of her made him vexed and annoyed.

"Woah! Slow down, Loey, you're going too fast!" Sehun shouted as he grabbed onto the door.

The city zoomed past them at the speed of light as they raced towards their apartment. Dodging the traffic was stressful at high speed and by the time they arrived, Chanyeol felt unusually drained. He pondered his decision to reverse into her car and instantly felt bad about it. Why was he acting like this? It wasn't something that he would normally do. He moped into the apartment and shut the door to his room. Reaching for his phone out of his pocket, he dialled Haeun.

"Hello?" Haeun answered, sounding sleepy.

"I thought I'd call you as we've finished our schedule for the evening."

There was an awkward silence and Chanyeol began to fiddle with the buckle on his belt.

"Chanyeol... please? I'm sleeping. Can't you call me tomorrow?"

He took a sharp intake of breath as those words made him feel even worse than he did before he phoned her.

"Yes. Bye." He cancelled the call and dropped his phone on the bed. Walking over towards his desk, he sat at his piano and began to play some Beethoven as he felt melancholy. Wallowing in his misery, he began to doubt whether dating Haeun was a good idea after all.

* * *

Fuming and scowling, I got into Baekyun's car with him and buckled up. As we drove off, I couldn't take my eyes off my mangled bumper. Yes, my car was old and rubbish compared to Chanyeol's expensive Mercedes G-Wagon-idiot-mobile but the point was it was my car and now I had no other way to get round the city. Plus it would cost money to fix and money I did not have.

"Cheer up," said Baekhyun in his excitable manner. "I'm sure it was an accident."

Yeah right, Baekhyun. You're just covering for your Hyung.

TROUBLE x CHANYEOLHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin