going back to school(edited(

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In the next couple of days Harry, Ron, Hermione and Daisy were on the hogwarts express searching for a compartment. Most of their time at the leaky cauldron was spent wandering around Diagon alley and earing Ice cream together. Harry had also bought some more clothes for his sister as she only had Petunias old dresses which were bit good for the good wearther.

Every compartment they had passed so far had been full, the only one with any room in it was the end carriage, there was a lone man in there who's face was covered by a blazer and they assumed he was asleep.

"Come on its the only one left" Harry said as they shared unsure glances.

He pulled open the compartment door and they all failed in, storing their luggage on the shelves above the seats. Hermione and Ron sat on the same side as the unknown man and Harry and Dasiy sat opposite them.

"Who is that man harry?" Daisy asked, only just noticing him.

"That is proffesor R.J Lupin, he will probably be teaching defense against the dark arts Daisy" Hermione said before harry had a chance to speak.


"Do you think he is really asleep?" Harry asked

"He seems to be, why?"

"I have to tell you guys something"

Harry reached into his trunk and pulled out and old looking Walkman that he had stolen from Dudleys room, thankfully the spoilt brat already had so much that he didnt notice it missing, he sat back down and held it out to Daisy who smiled brightly when she saw it.

"Do you want to listen to so music Dais?"


They boy then reached into his pocket and pulled out a little white tape that had the name 'Queen' written on it. He placed the tape into the Walkman and pressed play as he placed the headphones firmly over his sisters ears. This way she wouldn't be able to hear when Harry told Ron and Hermione what he had told the Weasly parents speaking about the previous night.

"So your saying that black has broken out if prison to come after you and daisy?" Hermione said once he had finished "But they will catch black won't they?"

Before anyone could answer the lights in thr compartment began to flicker before eventually adding out. The four students exchanged confused nd worried glances, just then the train came to an abrupt holt. Daisy paused her music and slowly slid her headlines onto her shoulders.

"Are we there now?" She asked.

"Good I'm starving"

Ron went to get up and leave the compartment but Hermione pushed him back into a seat after checking her sliver watch.

"We cant possibly be there yet, it's only been two hours"

"Then what's going on?"

The temperature in the compartment begun to drop and the windows frosted over, it was so cold that they could see eacothers breath. Harry pulled his sister into his side and rubbed her arm in an attempt to keep her warm.

Ron had leaned over to the window to rub off a little bit of the mist and peek on the other side of the window. He looked back at his three friends with utter disbelief and terror on his face.

"I think something is coming aboard" He whispered.

"I'm scared Harry"

The raven haired boy gave his sister a kiss on the head and held onto her tighter.

"I know princess"

Ron had tried to move away from the window and stepped on Hermionie's foot causing her to yell in pain.

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