A Flickering Vision

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Lisa sat facing the window, staring out to the now-moving scenery of streets and buildings which are looking smaller and smaller by the second. A little far ahead, she could see the harbour and the ocean. Then there it is...the colourful market. Just like he said.

Her heart feels heavy and she clutched on her bag - as if it would somehow heal the wound that feels all too fresh. She leans back to the headrest and peeks at her side to the empty seat. It was all a cruel joke wasn't it? It was a test, and she had failed.

A tear fell across her cheek. She never experienced this kind of pain before, it's like there's something inside that blocks her airways and her heart kept pounding hard to survive. Funny how she's crying over a guy she just met for a day instead of the guy she's been with for 3 years. Yeah...so damn funny!


She placed the key and bag on the desk lazily and lets her body fall onto the bed. That felt like the longest ride ever! Her eyes are now too tired from all the crying. She can't bring herself to the bathroom to clean herself up as one look in the mirror would left her crying again.

Why is she feeling this way? She knew what she was getting herself into last night, didn't she? She knew that Jeongguk wouldn't want anything more than just one night, she even said it out loud! It was clear for her - but then why would he say all those things?

He didn't have to look at her with such longing and awe. He didn't have to say how scared he was or how he really liked her. He said he doesn't lie. He said he doesn't promise things and she never asked him to promise anything...then why was he staring at her with eyes filled with contentment and promises?

Oh Lisa...you're so naïve! Why would you even trust the guy - or any guy for that matter? If the all-perfect Jaehyun could do what he did, what makes you think Jeon Jeongguk would be any different? And you barely even know him! How could you think there was anything more?

She still finds it hard to believe how much of a jerk he was...leaving the cash - did he think of her that low?! What's wrong with these people - or is it her? Does she have a 'prostitute' label on her forehead or something?? Is it because she's not from here - automatically they thought she's here to get some rich guy in order to live lavishly?

Money - pshh! 'Golddigger' - hah! He's smart to wake up earlier and left it like that - if he were to hand it over personally, Lisa would've kicked his balls so hard that he won't be able to sit for the next few months without thinking of his stupidity.

God, he's so stupid -

"Hey..." Chaeyoung opened her door slowly. Lisa could tell she was being cautious. "You're back...how are you feeling?"

Like shit. But there's no need for the girl to know that. There's no need for Chaeyoung to know about Jeon-fucking-Jeongguk!

"I'm okay...just tired,"

"Omo, have you been crying?" She sat next to her on the bed and examined the state of her face. "Lili, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have sent it to you - I feel so bad!"

"What? No, you should have! Otherwise I'd look even more like a fool at that house,"

"Wait, so you went anyways? I thought you spent the night at Daejeon - Lili!" She whined, sounding like she's about to cry. "Why would you do that?"

Because of Jeon-fucking-Jeongguk, that's why! "It just had to be done," She lied. "Let's just say I needed to burn the bridges...say my peace,"

Chaeyoung's eyes lit up. "Did you? What did you say?" 

"Not as much as I'd like...I only taught them how to spell properly," Chaeyoung frowned, not quite understanding. "I knew she did it on purpose...so I opened the package. I was right. It was a cheap ass monkey souvenir -"

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