Softie (Macabre x reader)

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aaliyah has a chronic obsession with old day union men

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(N/N) = Your nickname

"Bene, I don't know about this anymore." I sat as I secured the surgeons mask on my face.

"Oh, you'll look fine. Stop worrying and come out." My older sister, Benevolent, said while knocking on door.

I was staying with Benevolent for however long my parents want me to, because they think I'm not getting enough human interaction. All of my work was online. I recently became a full time author. My first book had done well enough that I could quit my second job of being an accountant to write full time. Benevolent had three jobs technically, so mine looked like nothing compared to her. Right now, Benevolent wanted to sneak me into the city, so she had me dress up like her. We were built and looked similar so if you saw me at a distance, you wouldn't notice.

"Why can't I just go in as a normal civilian, or with you?" I begged. While I did have to admit I looked pretty good in his uniform, that didn't mean I wanted to go out and pretend to be my sister in it.

"I already told you that certain colleagues of mine don't treat civilians the nicest, especially new ones. And I want to introduce to them all at once at a meeting." I could hear the eye roll in her voice.

"Fine." I sighed as I stepped out of the bathroom. Benevolent smiled and picked up her signature hat. She coiled the strands of hair sticking out of my top knot on top of my head and put the hat on me.

"Now, I don't wear the mask all the time, but it should help keep your identity a secret." Benevolent fixed my outfit a little, like smoothing out creases in my pink vest and straightening the green-blue mask. She also snapped a strange looking watch on my wrist.

"I've just got to get to your bakery, right? My things are already at your [RESIDENCE], right?" I tapped my fingers against each other, feeling very anxious. I got even more worried as Benevolent slid a gun into my holster. We looked so similar. What did I need to worry about?

"Yes, and yes. Once you get in just head to the back and wait for me. I'll text you and stuff so don't worry. I don't think you'll need the gun, but you know how it works, right?" Benevolent unloaded lots of information on me that took a second to process.

"I mean, I think so." I patted my back pocket to make sure my phone was still there.

"I think you're ready then! If you don't what to talk to anyone, just keep walking. You'll be fine. And don't worry about the watch. That's just there to make things look more authentic." I immediately regretted every choice I made to get here after the door closed behind me. That didn't change the fact that I had places to be.

From what Benevolent told me, we were at the edge of city, and I had to get to the heart, where her bakery was. I kept the phrase "stay calm" on loop in my head as I passed people. I hated the way the citizens looked at me. It probably wasn't anything more than passing glance, but my brain over analyzed it. I also tried to pretend I'd seen everything here a million times. Every thing here was just so big, and much darker. No one smiled either. I wove the through the streets, managing to avoid any other [OPERATIVES]. Until I saw her.

"Benevolent." She said. The hair on my arms stood up when I realized it was me she was talking to. Her voice crept me out, and the last thing I wanted to do was turn around to look at me. I guess I didn't react fast enough for her, because she placed a hand in my shoulder and spun me around.

Her appearance alarmed me. This was an operative, 100%. She was dressed in almost all black, except her white button up. Her base outfit looked like Benevolent's except in black. A black baseball cap with the word "Roblox" sat on her head. She also had an laser eye patch over her right eye. Every one of her pores screamed terror and intimidation. All of her hair was gathered in a slick low ponytail, except for some bangs at the front. The way her eye squinted, and the grip on her shoulder tightened made me realize she knew I wasn't Benevolent. Ben was taller than me.

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