Kuranosuke Shiraishi

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm back after a 5year hiatus? HAHA to those who are still in the fandom, I'm super glad y'all are still here xD with this, let's start on the fanfiction spree again! time to fulfil the request made 5years ago by @hediuxx , here's your Shiraishi story :D

Shiraishi (●'□')♡

It was the start of your holidays yet you were still in school, waiting for your boyfriend to finish his tennis practice.

You simply couldn't understand why your boyfriend would run after a ball in such hot weather. The sweat that trickled down your neck was a testament to how warm the weather was.

You glanced at your boyfriend, taking in his golden hair, his jersey before looking at his arm. You have always wondered what was under those bandages-  He didn't seem injured and was playing tennis normally, thus you never once mentioned it up to him.

It was an unanswered question between the both of you, yet for some reason, you made up your mind to ask him today.

You lost your train of thoughts when you heard your boyfriend muttered, "Ahhh...Ecstasy"

You chuckled, knowing how your boyfriend was weird, yet you loved him the way he was.

" (First Name)! What are you thinking of?" Shiraishi asked as he ran up to you, stretching his arm out for his water bottle.

"Shiraishi-sempai, what is under your bandages?" You asked as you passed the water bottle to him.

"Hmm....if you give a kiss, I'll tell you, how about it?" He replied teasingly as he squatted in front of you.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me!" You blushed, as you pushed him away. He laughed and sat beside you, as he stared into your eyes.

"I'm not injured, (first name). This bandage is a promise I made to Osamu-sensei, I can't tell you what it is now though" He said wistfully, as he pats your head. He held your hands softly as the both of you sat under the tree, as a slight wind brushed past.

You guessed that was enough for now, as you squeezed his hands tighter, leaning onto him.

You knew that when the time was right, you would be the first to know what was under his arm.

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