Kirihara Akaya

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A/N: Here's a req for a Kirihara Akaya fic ☺ I just finished the latest chapter of NPOT and I'm shooked. All the members from Rikkaidai grown so much?? I'm just touched by looking at them- now I feel old & like a mother HAHAHA 

Kirihara Akaya (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)

It was hard for you to watch. Your best friend was in his devil mode. His white hair, bloodshot eyes, crackling mocking laughter resounded around the court. 

He was crushing opponents, their bloodshed was scattered across the field. Hurting them. Injuring them. You clench your fist, watching the ball slam into the opponent's stomach before the guy topples down. 

"Ayanakoji Fuma is unable to continue the match. Kirihara Akaya wins by default." The referee announces as Akaya's reverts back to his usual self. 

He had won again, but at what cost?

He nods his head, smiling at Sanada-senpai as he walks out of the courts, not bothering to watch the rest of the game. Rikkaidai is the kings.

You followed suits, watching as he left the courts- he felt off. You rushed after him, following silently. He stopped to push a drink out of the vending machine. As he picked up the drink, his eyes glanced at you.

"I did it again..." He drifted off, falling to the ground. You rushed to him, hugging him. He started trembling, holding you closer. You noticed the warm liquid flowing on your shoulder, and the grip on your back. 

"I promised myself I wouldn't hurt him. I'm just a devil. A monster who only hurts other players. (First name), why are you still here? I'm just-" He chokes out, head lowered in shame. Your eyes soften, as you held him closer.

He was tearing himself apart.

"You did your best for Rikkaidai, and you're crying because you hurt your opponent, right? That's enough, you tried your best- and you can slowly change yourself. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of my best friend who's willing to change. I'm proud of you for trying your best. Just take it as a lesson, and sincerely apologise, alright?" You muttered, just loud enough for him to hear as you ruffled his hair, offering him a mega-watt smile. 

"Are you really proud of me?" He sniffs, looking up at you.

"Yeah, I'm really proud of you. Let's go see Yanagi-senpai's game, alright? Or are you still going to hold me and cry in the middle of the pathway?" You teased, offering him a hand. He smiles softly, before holding your hands. 

As you guys walk back to the bench, he suddenly grips your wrist, squeezing his wrist. You heard a really soft whisper. You smiled softly, sipping on the drink he passed you.

"Thank you, (First name)."

Prince Of Tennis ONESHOTS ( POT CHARACTER X READER )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ