Yukimura Seiichi

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A/N: Here's another req for the loml Yukimura! If you guys like this FF, please check out another story I just started for Yukimura called "of tennis and drawings" !! it's about this girl who keeps embarrassing herself in front of Yukimura, would mean a lot to me ☺

Yukimura Seiichi  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。

It's Saturday, 4pm. 

You watched as the blue-haired boy entered the hall again. His fringe was held back by a green headband. His body was slender, his skin white like a pearl. You were entranced by this ethereal boy. 

You knew that he would visit this hall on Saturdays, at 4 pm without fail. After all, the most you could do was watch him from the corner of the hospital's rehabilitation hall. You watched silently as he did his rehabilitation, struggling.

You couldn't understand why someone would try so hard, why the fire in his eyes never extinguished every time he fell, why he wouldn't ask for help. However, that was the reason why you fell for him. His glow and perseverance always amazed you. 

Like a routine, you watched as he started on the last sets of work-out as you limped away, heading for the vending machine. It was a habit for you to leave a drink at his ward, perhaps to congratulate him for finishing his workout? Or perhaps a way for you to start a conversation?

You were like a moth drawn to a flame, or like a fisherman being led to his demise by the beautiful siren. You were falling for him deeper, and he doesn't even know your existence. 

You gently placed the Pokari drink on his table, musing silently as you made your way out. You were fine with him not knowing your existence, but you wished maybe one day you could become friends with this ethereal being. 

Being friends would be good enough.

You stopped dead in your tracks, as you noticed the boy in front of you. The blue hair that brushed against his ears, the striped hospital gown hung loosely. He looks at you, offering a serene smile, "I found you, the fairy who gives me the drink. I'm Yukimura Seiichi, what's your name?" 

You didn't expect he would talk to you. His voice was like what you imagined, soft yet determined. You stood there dumbly, before offering a soft smile on your own.

"I'm (First name). Can we be friends?" You ask as you stretched out a small hand of yours. He took it in his, before offering it a light squeeze.

"Of course."

Just a start would be enough.

A start of something new.

A/N: Bruh just realised so many of my Yuki Yuki one-shots are in the hospital :-( if only this precious hooman bean has more scene in the anime....ryoma can't relate urgh

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