Atobe Keigo

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a/N: Man's feeling a lil upset rn so y'all gonna be sad w me. I HIGHLIGHT ONCE AGAIN, this gON BE SAD.

You watched from the distance as Atobe gently pushed the fringe out of the girl's face. As they laughed, Atobe wrapped an arm around her- kissing her forehead. Your heart clenched and felt like it was on the verge of shattering into many unfixable pieces.

The way he treated her was how he used to treat you. The gentle demeanour that was reserved for you, was now used on her. A tear slipped down your eyes, as you fell to your knees. 

"Why..." You sobbed. Like the weather was agreeing with you, a huge thunderstorm started pouring-the rain drenching you. The couple soon boards the limousine, oblivious to you who was in the surrounding, masked just like a background.

The rain fell harshly against your skin until it suddenly stopped. You looked up, to see Oshitari Yuushi staring pitifully at you, holding up an umbrella.

"I'm sorry (first name)...he didn't remember you after the accident. His memory..." He muttered, offering you a hand.

"It's my fault...I was maybe not that good of a girlfriend..." You laughed out, tears streaming down your face. You hugged Oshitari Yuushi. You didn't know what you should do? Leave him and let him be happy? Grab him and say how much you loved him?

You recalled the day you went to visit him, excited as he finally woke up from the coma- only to see him together with the nurse, mistaking the nurse for the one who effortlessly took care of him the past two weeks. The one who stayed by his side. The one who brought him to the garden in hopes to bring him out of his coma. The nurse didn't help to clarify, possibly as Atobe was the future heir to the Atobe corps. or maybe because of his good looks. She accepted it- and shunned you as well.

You tried clarifying, only for him to push you away, calling you fake and putting a ban on you. He classified you as one of his annoying ''fangirls'' before leaving with the nurse. He recalled everyone- his parents, the Hyotei regulars, his relatives but not you. 

You were deleted from his memories.

You broke away from your hug. With an empty gaze, you stumbled away. Oshitari knew better than to follow you, standing there with his umbrella. Maybe Atobe was deep in love with her. Perhaps, even if he did remember you now, would it have even mattered to him?

You couldn't believe that the way you loved him for the past few years was all in nought- vanished like the wind, extinguished to crisp like a fire. You dragged yourself away, pausing at the overhead bridge. As passerby brisked past you, you closed your eyes.

Maybe it was time for you to let go.

"It scares me to think you could love someone the way I loved you."


a/N: 1 like and I'll write a pt2 of this in fluff   ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) jk idk should I just end this off like this AND LET EVERYONE BE SAD WITH ME

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