Yanagi Renji

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A/N; Keep your requests coming in ☺ PART 2 OF THE PREV YANAGI FIC.

Yanagi Renji ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡  PART2

"I don't understand it! I just want to shop!" You grumbled as you crushed another paper.  It was another day at Yanagi house learning math.

"(First-name), you made a mistake in the second line of the equation, 100% your answer will be wrong." Yanagi deadpanned, as he passed you another paper to do your questions.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" You shouted, mentally cursing him out in your mind as you snatched the paper away from him. 

"Ha...if you manage to solve this equation, let's go out." Yanagi continued, writing an equation on a piece of paper. Your eyes gleamed, knowing that this was the most you could get out of the data-master. 

"HEHE, you better keep your promise!" You sang as he passed you the paper filled with an equation. The paper was filled with a one-line equation, which was slightly easier than what he has been making you do for the entire morning.


You thought hard, putting in all your brain juice to solve it. He watched you with curious eyes, looking at the fingers you held out to count. 

Yanagi stared at the girl in front of him, hair pulled up into a messy bun, hands stretched out to count. Normally, he wouldn't have bothered to deal with people who were lower in IQ, but you were special. 

It wasn't the fact that you were his childhood friend, but rather your actions. You were free, childlike and unrestrained. You were special. He never felt the need to tell others about his feelings for you, as others understood it easily. 

He would scare off the ones who tried to hit on you and protect your dense self. It was fine for him to remain in the shadows until someone worthy came along, but the longer he spent hanging out with you, the more the feelings tried to break out of his heart. 

He reasoned with himself, he decided that perhaps, maybe he could pen down his feelings for you. Forgot about everything, forget about you and remain as a good childhood friend. He hated love, something he couldn't deduce, something he couldn't calculate, something he couldn't earn from you.

He stopped his hands from shaking as he passed you the equation that contained his heart. 'If she manages to solve it, everything we have might be gone'. Yet a small part of him rationalised that you couldn't solve it, considering your skills at Algebra.

"I think I solved it!"Her excited squeal brought him out of his senses, as his eyes darted nervously,  breath hitched in his lungs. 

"I think there's something wrong with the answer though, it's missing a '2', at the end" She joked, as she passed the paper back to Yanagi.

His eyes glanced through the equation, and finally the answer. It was correct, but if it was missing a '2' at the back...?

His eyes whipped to hers, as she grinned "I love you too(2), idiot. I can't believe you made me solve an equation just for a confession, but it's unique. You didn't really think I'm that dense to not know that you have been chasing away my potential suitors huh."

Yanagi smiled, surprised at the revelation. "You're not as dumb as I expected." He muttered as he used the paper to cover the slight tinge of red of his cheeks. 

"Let's go then! I finished the equation so should we head to the mall for our date?" (First-name) teased, as she grabbed his hands, running out of the room.

A/N 2: Hi, if y'all have any request, keep them coming !!A/N 3: I started writing a new story 'Of tennis and drawings' , please check it out and let me know what you guys think! ☺

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A/N 2: Hi, if y'all have any request, keep them coming !!

A/N 3: I started writing a new story 'Of tennis and drawings' , please check it out and let me know what you guys think! ☺

21/5/20 ♥

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