Sanada Gen'ichirō

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a/N: it's raining in my country right now so.... y'all know what's up

+ honestly I feel this is how Sanada would be so-

hope y'all like it

Sanada Gen'ichirō  ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ

You were tired of not being his first priority. 

Tennis was always more important than you. Kendo too, even all the regulars were more important than you. It was hard for you to meet him, considering the harsh tennis regime that Rikkaidai had- and how he was so busy, so obsessed with tennis.

It was fine for you.

During the weekends, it was impossible for you to meet him due to his kendo training and how he had to go back to the school for more tennis training. It was fine that he didn't send you home when it was late.

It was fine for you.

It was fine that he wasn't a romantic who celebrated with you your 100days, valentines day or even your birthday.  

It was fine for you.

You forgave him every time he mentioned that it was another tennis practice. It was fine that he didn't bring you to the famous cafe every couple went. 

It was fine for you.

The last straw was when Yukimura was sick in the hospital. Sanada- your boyfriend, took it upon himself to work the tennis club even harsher, to get a win for Yukimura. You understood the feelings- but why...? Why was your heart hurting? You blamed yourself for feeling selfish, but you missed him. It was almost impossible for you to see him- unless you secretly watched him practice tennis. a girlfriend, do you have to stoop to such measures?

"Genichiro-I..." You called out, as you waited for him to end the practice session. You had to talk to him, it was unbearable for you. 4 hours of waiting was nothing- if you could just talk to him face to face.

"(First name), what are you doing here? I'm busy, we need to visit Yukimura." Sanada shrugged, looking at you.  You sighed. He didn't even bother asking how you were- why you were waiting for him? If you were tired? It was always Yukimura. Tennis. Kendo. When would it ever be your turn? Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall.

"Give me 1 minute." You said as you dragged him away to an isolated corner, the rest of the regulars watching quietly. 

"It was fine that you didn't celebrate my birthday. It was fine that you loved tennis, kendo and your tennis regulars. It was fine that I couldn't see you. It was fine that your tennis club was important, but why? Why did you string me along when I was never your priority? Why did you accept my confession? Why did you say you loved me?" You shouted, hitting his chest as tears fell from your eyes.

"(First name), I like you but tennis season is important now, especially when Yukimura is in the hospital. (First name), are you giving up on me? I'm so sorry..." He cried out, holding your hand.

You shrugged his hand off, wiping your tear. "You like me? Where? I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I had enough of your passing 'i love you'."  

You chuckled, shaking your head. Each time you said it was fine, your heart cracked- until it shattered into many tiny pieces- unable to fix, unable to care, unable to love

"Genichiro, let's break up." 

"You deserve better."

a/N: HI GUYS send in your request for any character if you like ~~~  miss writing 1shots HAHA

a/N 4?? : big thank you to everyone! this one-shot series is #20 under the tag tennis!!  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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