Yukimura Seiichi

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a/N: pt2 from the prev YS fic! you can read it as a stand-alone :D

Yukimura Seiichi ໒( ♥ ◡ ♥ )७

He inspired you.

You didn't bother with trying to heal that damaged leg of yours. For you, what was meant to be will be. There was no point in trying so hard. However, as you watched as Yukimura fell on the floor, your heart clenched.

It was the 4th time he fell since he started his rehabilitation an hour ago. Why didn't he give up? Why was he fighting so hard to recover? You couldn't understand, you thought as you sat on the bench watching him- clutching on the sports drink in your fist.

What was a pure curiosity for this human- turn into longing. In your sick and twisted mind, you were waiting to see when he was going to give up. When he is going to see the same despair as you?

"(First name), are you ever going to try to heal your leg?" Your eyes glanced at your friend who just spoke, as he finished his set of exercise. You hummed, deciding on not replying him as you passed him his drink.

You knew he had to leave for his room, to talk to his tennis team- who revered and basked in him. He always invited you to meet the regulars, saying how much you would love them but you declined. Deep in your heart, perhaps you always knew how much a failure you were? Were you afraid of failing- so you would rather not try than face the disappointment?

You waved goodbye, as Yukimura walked away to his room, limping but way better than when you met him a few weeks ago. You sigh, sitting back on the bench, watching the equipment he had just used.

An extinguished fire in your heart was getting lit up by Yukimura- unknowingly. You walked towards the counter, whispering "I would like to start my rehabilitation."

You watched as the roles were reversed, Yukimura was well healed- even being able to play tennis now, while you were still struggling- yet whenever you had your rehabilitation, he would always be there. He sat there waiting with a sports drink. Maybe this was the effect of the child of God, or maybe you too- didn't want to disappoint him. Didn't want to look like a failure in front of him.

The both of you sat at the bench, you lying on his shoulders. "(First name), when you heal, would you like to learn tennis?" He asks softly, rubbing an assuring hand on yours.

"Oh? Is the great child of God going to teach me tennis?" You teased, winking at him. He chuckled softly, before continuing his reply.

"I wanted to teach you what I love a lot, which made me determined to go through the rehabilitation- although when I wanted to give up, you were the one who encouraged me. How about you? What made you take up rehabilitation again?" He whispers.

You smiled softly. How could you tell your friend that it was his determination? His perseverance and his fire that made you took up the rehabilitation? How you didn't want to disappoint him? You knew it could wait. Perhaps you could tell him about your feelings after you recovered.

"Who knows~" You mused, as you snuggled your head closer to his shoulders. He raised an eyebrow, looking at you.

"But-when I recover, could you spend some time to listen to me?" You drifted off, putting your other palm on his hands.

"Of course." He says, gently closing his eyes as both of you remained in the calm silence of each other. Both of you smiled without the other party knowing, softly holding each other.

two damaged people,
trying to heal each other,
is love

A/n: vote to say u love Yukimura rn! jk have a nice Monday ☺

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