Tezuka Kunimitsu

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A/N: Saw this moment in a Korean-drama and I was like "I COULD USE THIS" so here comes another story-req! Hope all of you are doing well in this period of time, stay safe! :)

Tezuka Kunimitsu (*^3^)/~♡

"Ah? Tezuka-sempai, are you on your run too?" You called out, as you were recovering from your break at the 5km footmark. He nodded his head, as he paused, waiting for you to join him in the run.

You were part of the long-distance running team, and would always coincidentally meet Tezuka on this pathway when you were training.

You guys always ran together until the 10km mark, before you would take a short-cut back home as you didn't want to tire yourself out. However, as the next day was a holiday, you decided to follow his path out of curiosity, to see where he would go.

You guys ran and ran, but after the 20km mark, slowly you were falling behind. "Are you a robot?! Why aren't you tired!" You panted out, feeling your legs turning numb.

"Let's take a break," He called out, as he stopped running. You squat down, panting, as you noticed the orange hues of the sunset casting down on the river in front of you.

"This...place..is so...pretty" You responded, taking in the sight. You glanced at the tennis captain in front of you, drinking from his bottle, before looking at you.

"Should we continue, (first-name)?" Tezuka asked as stretched his muscles, looking at you.

"Yeah! I'm all pumped up by the view." You exclaimed as you turned at looked at him, pumping a fist in the air.

You guys began your run, however, you noticed that despite you running at a slower speed compared to previously, Tezuka was not running ahead of you but beside you. You smiled, knowing this was him caring for you in a way that was uniquely him.

Silently watching, Silently caring.

A/N 2: Hi guys! I would be coming out with a new story about Yukimura x OC & while I just thought of the plot, the first chapter would be published sometime around this/next wk! Hope y'all can support it !! Much love 

- LA 

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