Natsu x Happy x Juvia x Gray, The Continuation Part 3

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Loki had no clue where Happy was anymore every since he had lost the legs Freed gave him, Happy had given up on life, no one knew where he was, even though the whole incident was just recent. Loki and his gang split up to search for Happy, they asked everyone if they've seen a cat with no legs anywhere, but there was only one person who knew, Happy's therapist. Loki, Gray, and Juvia had decided to go see the therapist together, they asked if she knew where Happy was, and since she feared their gang,she told them. Turns out Happy was living in a small hole in the ground near Natsu's house so he didn't have to buy a house. They went to Happy's hole and asked if he had any ideas on how to kill Freed. Happy had been waiting for someone to ask him this question ever since Freed took back his legs. Happy then said that they would need the help of the two only other green haired people they haven't killed yet, Bisca and Frosh. Bisca and Frosh had been hiding away in Natsu's attic ever since the gang had killed Karen. Bisca and Frosh had feared for their lives for years, but now, they didn't have to worry. Everyone went inside Natsu's house to talk while they had tea, which Thomas made for them because his wife/sister was taking care of there now 3 month old child, which they named IHateFreedFanGirl101. Loki, Gray, and Juvia then talked for the next hour about how much they love the name, IHateFreedFanGirl101. Then Happy explained his plan to everyone. They would get Laxus to leave the house to go on a business trip, so Freed would be left alone. Then Frosh would ask Freed to let him hide in his house or else he would be "killed" by Loki's fearsome gang. Freed would agree and now Frosh could let everyone else in the house to hide. Bisca would then shot Freed so that he dies, then they would leave his dead body for Laxus to find. Everyone thought the plan was beautiful, so they were going to start they plan immediately. 

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