Chapter 2:

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Recovery Girl walked around her office, treating the injured students of Class 1-A while giving Midoriya an ice pack. "I'm surprised. You only hit your head. I thought you'll break your bones again." She mused, making Midoriya chuckle nervously.

Bakugo was sitting beside him, who seemed awfully quiet, until Kirishima came up to him with a bandaged arm. "Hey, Bakugo, are you okay?" He asked, sitting beside the blonde, who answered with a shrug.

"I'm fine... I guess." Bakugo mumbled, which surprises his friend a bit. The only time that Bakugo has been this quiet is when he received that call from his parents.

Recovery Girl walked over to them and checked Bakugo for any injury, which are only bruises. She gave him some ice packs as Mr. Aizawa came over. "Iida has told me everything. Midoriya, Bakugo, you know the villain who attack you?"

Midoriya seemed to choke on air while Bakugo just freeze. "I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa, But... Villain?" Midoriya wheezed out, his eyes filled with shock.

Aizawa nodded in response. "Her Name is Siren. She has started her debut three years ago." Now it's Bakugo's turn to choke on air.

"Okay, What is going on between you two and that girl?" Jirou asked who seemed to have her head bandaged.

Midoriya and Bakugo looked at each other, before Bakugo sighed. "Alright. That girl..." he paused for a second, letting out a short breath. "...she is our childhood friend. Best friend, I think."

Everyone seemed to stare at him and Midoriya, who shrunk back. "Wait! So you're saying that your best friend became a villain, kidnapped Todoroki, and almost killed us all?!" Yaoyorozu yelled, making Izuku shake his hands.

"NO NO NO! It's not like that! She wanted to be a hero for a long time!" Midoriya defended.

Bakugo join in, his voice a lot more louder than before. "Besides, we didn't even know that she'll become a villain." After hearing that explanation, they all seem to go quiet.

"Oh. And Bakugo, I called your cousin." Recovery Girl spoke out suddenly.

Bakugo froze and looked towards her. "You called my wh-" Before he could continue, loud footsteps are coming towards the office.

The door slammed open, revealing a girl with long black and light red hair, pale skin, black eyes, and is wearing a brown jacket over a white uniform of a wildlife veterinarian, Brown pants and black flats. She panted before looking up with an embarrassed smile. "Eraserhead, Recovery Girl, Nice to meet you. I apologize if I came in late."

"Don't worry, Tairo. You are just in time." Aizawa shook his head before turning to his students. "Alright everyone, meet Sakura Tairo."

"A pleasure to meet you all." Sakura walked in before walking over to Bakugo. She ruffled his hair, having a worried look on her face. "Are you alright, Katsu?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Onēsan." Bakugo smiled, making everyone, with the exception of Sakura, Bakugo and Midoriya, to freeze in shock.

"Wait... ONĒSAN?!" The entire class yelled in shock.

Bakugo sighed before nodding. "Yes. She IS my cousin." He shrugged, causing everyone to stare at him longer. ".......what the fuck are you guys staring about?"

"..........Dude, What the hell?" Kaminari gaped at him, his injured arm on an arm sling, to let the injury on his shoulder heal. "You can cook, you play drums. AND YOU GOT A COUSIN WHO IS A CHICK! DO I EVEN KNOW YOU AT ALL?!"

"Bitch, there's a lot you don't know about me." Bakugo shook his head, Midoriya and Sakura giggling quietly. Katsuki blinked for a second before shaking his head. "Wait, WE'RE GETTING OFF TRACK!"

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