Chapter 4

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(So....a friend of mine wrote this part of the story, cuz, I dunno why XD. But after reading it, I kinda wanna put it on the chapter so yeah. Enjoy her writing XD)

Since the whole class 1-A is involved with this, they had a meeting in their classroom, along with Aizawa, All Might and Sakura.

Sakura gets a call and excuses herself from the talk and went out. The whole class were silent, not wanting to disturb the call with the noises. They can hear cut off sentences like:

"So another illegal hunting spotted?"

"Right, can you do me a favor and prepare my gear? Thank you."

"Tell Sasumo-san (a co-worker who can teleport anyone to anywhere as long as given a specific detail on where or what place it is) to teleport me there once I text you."

She returns with a solemn expression. Definitely not missed by All Might and Katsuki.

"Tairo-san, is there something the matter?"


Sakura sighed and faced the class, slightly bowing her head apologetically. "I'm so sorry, but please understand that I'm a working adult as well. I just got a call from my comrades. I will come back here as soon as the business is done."

The class stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Iida stood up and tried to reassure the woman, but was beaten by Katsuki.

Bakugou stood up, standing in his seat. "It's fine, we can handle this on our own for now. You can go." Everyone looked at him in shock with the exception of Sakura, who stared at him worriedly.

"Are you sure? I doubt that her next move won't be long. She has your classmate as hostage-" A sudden flashback of the news Bakugou getting kidnapped made Sakura even more unnerved. "What if you get hurt again? Or worse! I-I can't just simply leave you right in the ope-"

"Onesan!" Bakugou had no choice but to yell, snapping Sakura out of her daze. The blonde walked up to her and smiled reassuringly, unseen by anbody else but his cousin.

"We can handle this. This isn't the first time the villains attacked U.A, but we still ended up beating their asses." Sakura looked down at him, somehow feeling better but not the best.

"Let me remind you.." Bakugou began. "We have quirks, animals dont." Sakura stayed silent, which gave Bakugou the chance to continue.

"Onesan, if All Might was the no. 1 hero, then you're their hero. They need you more then we do. Besides..." Bakugo smiled softly, shrugging nonchalantly. "We're going to be future heroes ourselves. So we totally got this."

Sakura smiled, the pride for her cousin was stronger than the fear of losing him. "Alright." She faced the two male teachers, who watched, along with the whole class, the scene. "I'll leave him in your care. I will be back as soon as possible."

Aizawa and All Might nodding their heads in understanding. She bowed and grabbed her things.

Before she can close the door, she stopped herself, freezing on the spot. Bakugou tilted his head in worry and confusion.

Sakura stepped inside again, speed walking her way to Bakugou.

"Onesa--?" Bakugou was cut off when he was pulled into a tight embrace. The class gaped at the scene in front of them. Even All Might and Aizawa sensei were surprised

It didn't take long for Bakugou to respond back. He nuzzled his head in her chest, seeking the feeling of warmth and safety that she and his parents can only provide.

She looked down at her younger cousin. She couldn't resist it and slowly slicked back his hair, revealing his forehead.

She leaned in and gently kissed his forehead, the younger responding by closing his eyes and sighing. They slightly pulled apart. Both holding a small smile.

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