Chapter 6

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Todoroki bit his lip, completely nervous, but he does not show it. He slightly looked behind him, seeing the League of Villains still standing behind him, which causes him to grit his teeth. "Any moment now, Todoroki Shoto." He looked back to his front, seeing Siren sheathing her weapon.

"🎶Believe me I know, I've sunk pretty low🎶" She began, Todoroki furrowing his eyebrows. "🎶But whatever I've done you deserved🎶"

He huffed quietly, feeling her sharp gaze on him. "Siren—" He started, But was quickly cutted off by her.

"Quiet!" She snapped, causing him to lean back. She started walking towards him, making Todoroki think about his decision of trying to reason her. "🎶I'm the bad guy, that's fine. It's no fault of mine🎶" Her lips twitched up into a smirk, her gaze looking down on him. "🎶And some justice at last will be served🎶"

Todoroki gulped quietly and tried to talk to her once more. "Please listen."

Siren scoffed and ignored him, walking over to the League. "🎶Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down. And there's only one answer for me🎶" The League smirked at the young villain in front of them. However, Kurogiri and Dabi looked at each other, unsure of the plan that Shigaraki has told them about.

"🎶And I'll stand up and fight 'cause I know that I'm right🎶" Siren walked away and leaned outside of the window, before looking back at Todoroki with crazed eyes. "🎶And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! Ready as I'll ever be!🎶" The bi-colored student started to sweat, not knowing what's in store for him and his classmates.

Meanwhile, in the dorms, everyone in the class are already suited up in their hero suits, waiting for the pro heroes to join them. They all heard the door open, looking over to see Eraserhead, Midnight, Present Mic, and Cementoss walking in.

"Is everyone ready?" Their homeroom teacher asked, causing the entire class to stand up.

Iida, while holding his helmet under his arm, nodded in confirmation. "Yes sir." He saluted.

"And the upgrades?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow, causing Bakugo to speak up.

"Already on it." The blonde picked the suitcase beside him, handing it to his teacher. "Nii-San was able to make them before all this, since he has watched the Sports Festival. He made some extras for Akame and Hanuke, and he won't tell about anything we're going to do."

"...Nii-San?" Uraraka leaned over to Midoriya, confusion written on her face.

The greenhead blinked. "Kacchan's referring to Sakura-san's husband." He answered, earning a nod from the brunette.

"Alright, everyone, there may be a chance that the League will separate you from us, so, we will let Yaoyorozu lead the group." Aizawa instructed, receiving a nod from his students. The teachers let the students alone, waiting for them outside.

The class immediately turned towards Yoayorozu, who felt nervous at first about leading the whole class, but she placed on a determined look. "🎶Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down and the answer is easy to see🎶" She stood on top of the table, looking at her classmates as she created a sword from her chest.

"🎶And I swear by the sword. If you're in, get on board! Are you ready?🎶" She looked at the sword, which shines a bit under the light in the dorm.

Bakugo took a breath before clenching his fist. "🎶I'm ready!🎶" He smirked with pride, earning surprised looks from a few of his classmates.

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