Chapter 12

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Three words can describe how Todoroki feels right now.




He feels so tired, he wants to go back to sleep, but he can't. He feels in pain, mostly on his side and his legs-

'Wait, why does my legs hurt?'

He groaned quietly, blinking his eyes open. The first thing he sees is a white wall, with a small desk beside the bed he was laying on. A window had its curtains open, letting the natural light of the moon shine inside the room.

Todoroki felt a small sting on his side, but not that much to actually make him wince as he carefully sat up on the bed. The room is vacant, with only a few chairs and a door which leads to the bathroom is on the corner. The bi-colored student just realized that he was inside a hospital, theorizing that his teachers and classmates brought him here after he passed out.

He held his side slightly, noticing the bandages on his arms, probably from the cuffs that stayed on him for almost 2 days. He sighed and looked out of the window, watching the night sky full of stars. Before he could get lost in thought again, he heard a small knock on the door.

The door opened quietly to reveal his friends Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu, his siblings Fuyumi and Natsuo, and even Akame and Hanuke, all in their civilian clothes.

"Shoto!" Fuyumi sighed in relief, running over towards him to give him a hug, but is careful to not injure her younger brother more.

Todoroki smiled a bit, patting Fuyumi's shoulder. "Hey, sis." He felt his sister move away, just as the others walked over towards them.

"How are you feeling, Todoroki-kun?" Iida straightened his glasses. It was at that moment when Todoroki realized that he's walking normally when he have a broken leg earlier.

Despite the thought, he shrugged. "A bit in pain, but I'll manage." His tiny smile fell, as his eyebrows furrowed. "How long was I out?"

"A whole day. The doctor's confirmed it was blood loss, kero." Tsuyu answered, her tongue stinking out a bit.

The others nodded in agreement. "And in case you're wondering about the bandages, I guess the cuffs caused bruises and minor scars on your arms. And the explosion causes burns on your legs." Midoriya explained, stopping himself before he started muttering non stop again.

'Aaaand there's my answer.' Todoroki nodded blankly, before a small thought went inside his head. "What about...?" He trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence when Akame looked down at the ground. He can tell that she has been crying for the day, her eyes red and puffy, as she was sniffing a bit ever since they arrived to his hospital room.

Midoriya sighed, stuffing his hands to his pockets. "Every since the explosion, the police haven't found her body at all..." He mumbled, pulling Akame close to him.

"Some of the class even said that her body is in ashes." Uraraka added, as Hanuke cling onto her legs, resulting her to kneel down beside the younger to pull him into a hug.

Todoroki looked down in idle, nodding quietly before looking out of the window. He can't help but think that Hitomi is not actually dead, instead that she's out there.

He heard some shuffling beside him, seeing from the corner of his eyes that Uraraka stood up with an asleep Hanuke on her arms. "We need to go now, Todoroki-kun. The doctors let us have a few minutes with you, but we'll make sure to visit you after classes." Iida smiled a bit, doing his usual hand motions, causing Todoroki to chuckle.

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