Chapter 11

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A gunshot.

A scream.


The two sisters froze from the grappling, letting go of the gun and moving away from each other. Bakugo stayed on his spot, frozen in shock. Midoriya was trying to prevent the blood rushing out of Todoroki's side, while the bi-colored student winced in pain.

Siren's eyes flickered, causing her to have a headache. Akame and Bakugo rushes to the two, while the villain blinked her eyes, revealing her slits gone.

"Todoroki, just breathe, alright." Midoriya instructed, trying to grab some type of clothing but he freezes when Shizuka walked towards them.

The female stayed silent before kneeling down in front of Todoroki, immediately working on the cuffs quickly, surprising the four. Todoroki looked over at the candle that's running out of wax, seeing that it's flickering yellow, much to his relief.

Shizuka finally got the cuffs off, in which Todoroki immediately rub his sore arms. She reached for her throat to summon some clothing while humming a small song, wrapping it around his wound. He could have sworn he felt something move in his pocket, but he ignored it for now.

She sighed before looking at them, guilt visible on her features. "I'm sorry. For everything I've done." She looked down at the ground, before freezing when Akame threw her arms around her.

"I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry! I shouldn't have been mean to you and I should've helped you when you got captured! I'm sorry, Nene-san!" She cling onto her tighter, causing the older to smile and hugged her younger sister back as Akira moved to her shoulders.

The other three smiled at the sight with Midoriya having Todoroki lean on him with his arm around his shoulder, while Bakugo is watching them with crossed arms.

Shizuka rubbed her sister's back before worry and fear suddenly hit her like a truck. "The bomb..." She muttered before looking back at the bomb which it only has like 4 minutes left.

The four tended as Shizuka stood up from her kneeling position. "Is there a way that we can stop that thing?!" Midoriya screamed out of fear, only to get scared even more when she shook her head 'no'.

"Then we need to get out of here, now!" Akame screeched, making everyone moving to run out of the building. However, when the girl looked back, she stopped immediately dead on her tracks. "Nene-san!"

The other three stopped to look back, seeing Shizuka standing near the bomb absentmindedly. The female chuckled quietly, looking back at the four with tired eyes. "🎶I am damaged. Far too damaged🎶" She pointed at them, a small smile grazing her face. "🎶But you're not beyond repair🎶"

"🎶Stick around here. Make things better🎶" She turned her back from them moving to the panel, some of her hair covering her right eye. "🎶'Cause you beat me fair and square🎶"

Shizuka looked at them slightly, her back facing towards them. "🎶Please stand back now🎶" The four hesitantly obeyed, stepping away a few feet. "🎶Little further🎶" The group stepped away even farther, visible confusion on their faces as the so-called villain grabbed something from the panel. "🎶Don't know what this thing will do🎶" She pressed a button, causing a forcefield close in front of them.

"What the-?!" Bakugo blinked, furrowing his eyebrows as he and the others looked at the forcefield.

They looked back at Shizuka, who is letting a tear slip from her eye. "🎶I hope you miss me. Wish you'd kiss me🎶" She laughed sadly, before pressing another button from the controller she's holding. "🎶Then you'd know I worship you🎶" The bomb started ticking down, from one whole minute.

"🎶I'll trade my life for yours🎶" Shizuka's shaking hands moved to untie the short ponytail on the side of her head, gripping the ribbon on her hands tightly.

Todoroki finally caught up to what she's saying, causing his heart to drop. "Oh my God..."

Shizuka moved to look at the screens of the panel, looking at the group at the ground with half-lidded eyes. "🎶And once I disappear🎶"

"Wait..." Midoriya and Bakugo muttered at the same time, just as Akame run up to the forcefield.

She punched the forcefield with all her might, tears threatening to leave her eyes. "Hold on!"

"🎶Clean up the mess down here!🎶" Shizuka turned around to face them properly, a tear leaving her eye.

"Not this way!" The younger screeched, not even bothering to wipe the tears that are already leaving her face.

(I got bored at that part XD)

Akame felt a hand grab hers, seeing that it was Bakugo who is looking down at the ground. "Kid, we have to get out of here." His voice sounds surprisingly soft, but stern at the same time.

"But- But I'm not living my sister behind!" The young girl stuttered, more tears spilling out of her eyes.

Bakugo looked up at her, seeing that his eyes are glossy, as his grip tightened. "I don't want to leave her either, believe me when I say that... but we can't let the opportunity that she's giving us go to waste."

Akame sobbed before nodding her head, wiping her tears away with her forearms. Bakugo swore that he felt his heart crack at the sight, before picking her up and carried her on his back. He, Midoriya and Todoroki made a run towards the open window, just when the timer is at 10 seconds.

Akame looked back to see her sister looking at them, a wide, sad smile on her face. The girl felt more tears slip out of her eyes, before clutching on to Bakugo's shoulders. "Say hi to God." She whispered, the blonde Male hearing it, which causes his heart crack more.

The four jumped out of the window just in time for the bomb to blow up. The others, who have finished fighting off the League that retreated from down below, saw them and Yaoyorozu made a huge mattress. The small group landed on the mattress safely, immediately surrounded by their teachers and friends.

Hanuke moved to hug his sister when he found her in tears, comforting her. Bakugo stayed on his place, not moving an inch, paralyzed in shock, only jumping when Kirishima placed a hand on his shoulder. Midoriya stood up from the mattress, looking up at the burning building, not minding the sun that's trying to blind him as tears swell up his eyes.

Todoroki looked at the building while biting his lower lip, his half-lidded eyes looking down to the ground. When he moved to get up from the mattress, he winced in pain, remembering his wound. He felt Yaoyorozu's hands on his shoulders, seeing her face just in time before his world went black.

My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi

Shizuka Hitomi/Siren, Shizuka Akame, and Shizuka Hanuke belongs to me

Song "I Am Damaged" is from Heathers The Musical

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