Chapter 14

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Told you I'll do a double update.

It's been 2 weeks since Todoroki last saw Shizuka on the park.

Everything has finally went back to normal. Well, almost normal.

Todoroki's friends are becoming a lot more closer to him, which doesn't surprise the bi-colored student at all. He has been missing for two days. That's not the only that's weird. Bakugo, surprisingly, wanted to hang out a lot more with Kirishima. Based on what Todoroki heard, Kirishima basically got hit with an unfinished manipulating pill which causes him to fight his classmates instead of Siren. Guess that Bakugo actually cares about his friends, but doesn't shows it. And Bakugo and Midoriya won't spot bombarding him questions about Shizuka, strange enough?

Homeroom has started, and everyone was sitting on their seats just as Aizawa came in. He stood on his desk and started to speak to the class. "So, today, we surprisingly have a new student, someone who we all thought..was dead." The class bear confused looks, some almost started murmuring among each other. Aizawa sighed before letting the person, who is standing outside the door, in as he addressed them to the class. "Alright, everyone, meet your new classmate."

"Shizuka Hitomi."

Everyone froze in shock, as the said female walked inside, her hair laying on her shoulders, the slits in her eyes gone for good, her skin color turning normal, and is wearing UA's school uniform.

"Hi, everyone. Nice to you aga—!!" Her words got cut of when Midoriya and Bakugo pulled her into a huge hug.

"HITOMI-CHAN!" Midoriya cried. Literally. His tears are flowing ENDLESSLY.

Bakugo chuckled and ruffled Shizuka's hair. "Damnit, idiot! You scared us back there!" He growled, causing her to giggle.

"I don't die easily, Katsu." She smiled cheekily.

Iida stood up, his mouth moving like a robot as his hand move up and down. "SHIZUKA-KUN! HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO LIVE? WE HAVE SEEN THAT YOU DIED IN THE EXPLOSION!" He asked relatively loud, making Uraraka try to keep him down.

Shizuka smiled softly, which causes some of the boys, most specifically Kaminari and Mineta, to have blessed faces as if they have seen an angel. "I did survive the explosion, thanks to my Akira here." She held her arm out, which causes the dragon to crawl on her arm and do the blep.

All the girls awed on the dragon, which causes Kaminari and Mineta to look dead. "The dragon got chosen over us..." They muttered defeatedly.

Shizuka giggles at the two boys, before continuing. "But I'm pretty sure she's wants to thank the person who convinced me to come here."  She looked at her Akira, who immediately flew off her and lay on Todoroki's shoulder, rubbing her head on his cheek. She received head scratches from the bi-colored student, much to her content.

The entire class looked at him in disbelief. "YOU ASKED HER TO JOIN THE HERO COURSE?!" They yelled, with Todoroki looking unfazed.

"Yes. She has wanted to become a hero for so long." He replied. When Iida tried to protest, he held up a finger. "Yes, I know that she was a villain, however, that was SIREN. Who we are talking to right now, is SHIZUKA. They are two completely different people. One tries to become a villain for revenge, the other tries to become a hero to protect her loved ones." After that little speech, Iida kept his mouth shut.

Yaoyorozu blinked before asking. "Then, why did the staff allowed her to join? Not that I'm complaining."

"They heard that Shizuka has been controlled, so they see that she didn't wanted to become a villain in the first place." Aizawa answered for her, in which his student nodded in understanding.

Aizawa leaned on his desk, continuing to speak to the class. "You'll ask her questions later. Right now, take your seats so we can start this class already and I can go to sleep."

With that, everyone went back to their seats. Shizuka's was at the back, so when she walked past Todoroki, she said quietly but enough for him to hear it. "Thank you." Todoroki nodded, feeling a small smile creeping on his lips. As Shizuka finally took her seat, Aizawa started teaching.

However as he did so, Shizuka looked behind her and looked straight at the fourth wall. "Oh. You thought the story is over, yes?" She asked the fourth wall in a hushed tone, giggling quietly. "Oh sweetie, it just begun." She smiled slyly, as her dark red violet eye glowed a bit.

My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi

Shizuka Hitomi/Siren belongs to me


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