Chapter 2 - A Mystical Lady

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Miles of flying had taken a toll on Chi. Exhausted was the word that best described her current state. She felt her wings had become a burden, and her eyes swollen with tears, smudging her vision. From her smudged vision, the Sol was blinding, glittering like a thousand stars that she turned her head away and spotted a leafless tree. So, she headed for it and landed on the grassland with faint crunches of red and yellow leaves. With struggling breath, she laid herself low with her hands and knees to support her weight. The pain inflicted from Emberfist's claw, and the metal chain was still fresh to her.

"Mama," said Chi. "Wait for me. Me will save mama." Having the pain of separation with her mama, she felt herself on another verge of tears.

A warm and gentle hand laid on her shoulder. "Dear child, everything will be alright." The voice followed was feminine and caring.

Chi opened her eyes and spun to the sound. A lady in green hanfu whose beauty she had never seen, yet her hair was white, and her eyes glinted with the wisdom of ages. Her smile was soothing that Chi threw herself under the lady's arm, and the lady embraced her in return. With new tears streaming, Chi sensed floral fragrance around her as she found solace in a maternal-like embrace.

Once Chi had felt much better, she pulled herself from the embrace and sat. The lady then sat beside her.

"Dear child," said the lady. "You must be hungry. I have some bread." She then took out two loaves of bread from her green bag.

"Thank you," said Chi, taking the bread and delivering it into her mouth. When she bit it, the bread did feel like a rock that she had to tear it by moving her head away. Though it was hard at the surface, inside, it was soft. She enjoyed the milky-like taste of the bread together with seeds and nuts. The surface even had soy-white flour that made Chi's lips and fingers powdery white.

"You like it? I baked it at myself."

Chi nodded as though she was a little child. Both sat and enjoyed the tasty bread.

Once they had their bread, Chi was now looking as if she had never cried. The lady was glad that she had comforted Chi.

"Dear child, my name is Nuwa. What's yours?"

"Chi Myst'wing, and thank you, Sister Nuwa." She paused a moment before she continued to speak. "Why Sister Nuwa don't afraid of me? Me, is a redragon, and everyone here fears a redragon."

"A redragon is nothing as I have faced many creatures that are far more terrifying. Chi, though you are a redragon, I don't feel you're like one. You're more like a gentle girl. A redragon never shed a single tear, but you did. Your very nature is truly different from them. What had happened to you, Chi?"

Chi took a deep breath before she spoke. Nuwa listened to every word from Chi, which began from her life in Igniswing, the hunting festival, the attack on the goatmen village, her capture, and how she escaped from her execution.

"Do Sister Nuwa know who attacked the redragons?"

Nuwa just shook her head.

"My mama had been caught. Me want to save my mama. My mama is probably being executed instead. If fate is cruel, me choose to die to join papa and mama..."

"Chi, let's go back and save your mama."

"But, Sister Nuwa, the redragons are very strong and ferocious. It's better Sister Nuwa don't go."

"I have told you. I have faced many creatures that are way more terrifying than redragons. I can save your mama."

"No, it's suicide." There was no confidence in Chi that Nuwa could save her mama, she knew she would want to be with her mama even though she would die. Chi was surprised to see how fearless and confidence in Nuwa.

Chi Myst'wingWhere stories live. Discover now