Chapter 4 - Vengeance of the Past

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Chi made her way along the green plains. Along the way, she passed by patches of flowers which she saw some beautiful flowers. Paused to relish those beautiful flowers, she found she was attracted to carnation. Those were beautiful, and the scent of floral fragrant blew in with the soft cold breeze. Having enough of enjoying herself, she continued her journey. She had lost her track of the time that she never thought she had walked for almost a day.

The Sol hung low at the western sky when she had reached a small village. Her stomach grumbled. She was hungry, and so she searched around for any edible plant or food. Lucky for her, she saw an orchard and hurried toward an apple tree. She ran at the tree trunk as if it was a ramp and plucked an apple and then leapt back to the ground. And she reached for a pool of water to rinse it.

Chi muttered words of gratitude to thank the Universe before she consumed the apple. As she was about to lay her mouth on the apple, she heard distant footsteps.

"Young girl, no need to steal. Just ask, and we are glad to give you."

Chi spun to the sound and saw an old panda with a bamboo staff. The moment she looked at him, she thought he had been punched on both of his eyes. It was odd that the black area around the eyes had furs, and there were furs all over his body. Then, it came to her realisation that the peasant's appearance was as healthy as he looked.

"Sorry," said Chi. "Me don't know it's yours."

"It's alright, young girl. You must be hungry, having travelled so far. Do come in and have lunch with us." The old panda beckoned Chi to his small wooden hut.

"Well, thank you, uncle," said Chi, giving the peasant her genuine smile as she entered the panda's hut.

In the hut, the whole family of pandas: his wife and his son all looked at her. They were sitting by a square table which their bowls of rice and dishes were half to finish. It looked like they had their meal interrupted by an apple theft, but they didn't look irritated at all. They all looked like they were about to say, "Welcome!"

"Young girl," said the woman panda. "Come and sit here." She beckoned Chi to sat at the empty side of the table.

Chi sat on. "Thank you for inviting me."

"What's your name lady?" said the old panda. "Mine is Dragon Chen."

"Chi Myst'wing."

"You have a beautiful name," said Dragon.

"Mine is Kind," said the woman panda.

"Prosper," said the younger panda.

From their voices, Chi could know their ages. Dragon Chen was nearing fifty, Kind was in her forties while Prosper was in his twenties. And from their ragged linen clothes, they spoke with a noble tone that Chi felt they were not just some simple peasants. Chi noticed there were three rattan hats and straw capes were hanging at the wall behind Dragon Chen. And she saw several bamboo staves leaning not far from the capes.

"Though we are poor," said Dragon." That never stops us from serving our guest with what we have."

Chi had a glimpse on their dishes and realised that their meals were simple: rice, beans, fruits and vegetable, which was similar to her diet in Nuwa's Sanctuary. Though their meal was simple, they were really enjoying it. It is not the meal that you shall find enjoyment, but the person who you have the meal with.

Kind took a bowl of rice for Chi, and she thanked her. She prayed before she has her meal, and when she was about to eat, Dragon, Kind and Prosper each took a turn to pick dishes for her. She felt herself like she was a guest of honour.

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