Chapter 9 - Zhu Ming Saves a Villager

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Sol had risen and beamed into room four-three-four. Chi had just finished her morning exercise. Then, she packed her belongings and with Vincere and Zhanshi, she went to the inn's eatery for breakfast. Once they had enough, they checked out at the registrar.

Outside the inn, five carriages were awaiting those who needed transport to the Lord's mansion. Each wagon was attached to two equines. One carriage had loaded with Cyaians, and it departed.

"We are honoured to serve Lord Benevence," said a carriage driver. "Everyone, take your seat."

They thanked the driver and stepped onto the carriage. Zhanshi and Vincere sat on the front seat facing Chi at the rear seat.

Once they had taken seats, the driver shouted to make a move. The equines neighed and then followed by the sound of the hooves thumping on solid ground. The carriage they were sitting was departing from Anle's Inn, leaving three carriages behind. The view of cityscape began to slide faster and faster and replaced by the sight of trees.

After some time, the view of Lord Benevence's mansion came into view. It was far large to be a mansion that it was like a palace; the silver palace with a dome on each corner tower. From each tower, hung a long blue banner with two crossed swords with silver equine's head. As the carriage got nearer the lord's mansion, it began to slow down, Lord Benevence's mansion was far more significant than Nuwa's siheyuan. The palace's entrance porch had an insignia of golden equines. Before the porch, Chi could see a golden sculpture of horse wagon with several galloping equines.

At last, their carriage stopped. "We have arrived at the Palace of the Aureate Equuses!" It was a grand palace, yet Lord Benevence was humble to say his home a mansion.

As Chi was about to come down from the carriage, many gentlemen Cyaians came and offered their hands to help her down. Fresh breeze from blew on her face and in an instant, Chi had a vivid memory as if she had returned to Nuwa's Sanctuary.

The servants led the warriors to the entrance hall. And in the hall, a strong lemongrass fragrant filled the air around them. It reminded Chi of her accommodation in Anle's Inn. The hall interior was circular and large; right under the ceiling, there was a painting of equines galloping in a circle. Even on the marble floor, Chi saw a picture of equines. "Welcome to the Palace of the Aureate Equuses. This palace was built during the reign of Lord Kinma. Equines were Lord Kinma's benefactor, and that is why there have equines at every corner of this palace."

They followed the servant, turning right into a corridor and they trod along the brown and green carpet. Upon reaching a wooden door, the servant pulled the door open and beckoned the warriors to enter. The room looked much like a painting of a place of brownish hues; the wallpaper was in light brown with a gold horseshoe as its' motif. At the far end of a long mahogany table, there was Lord Benevence who was smiling at the warriors and invited them to take seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my mansion," said Lord Benevence. "Congratulations again on having a good position in the tournament. The ranking in the tournament determines your position in the Warriors of Benevolence. Each of you has room to stay in. My men will lead each of you to your respective room. Once you have placed your belongings, do return to this hall as I have some important announcement."

The servants came and guided the warriors, leading each one to a room. Chi followed one of them, passing through stairs to the second floor, along the corridor and at the fourth door at her right, was her room. She looked up at the entrance of her room and saw a golden plat: Lady Chi Myst'wing. "This is the key." The servant then passed the key to her.

Chi unlocked the door and pushed it open. The air inside was chilly and comfortable. White curtain half-covered the balcony glass, which it filtered Sol's light that it shone without much glare and heat. She pushed open the balcony window. A breeze blew into her room, and she moved to the balcony and saw the vast sapphire lake.

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