Chapter 13 - The Two Princesses

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The trio departed from Kinma City by equines with hopes that their journey would be safe and smooth. For Chi and Zhanshi's mission to Igniswing, they had met Lord Phopo, which had almost costed their lives. Quite fortunate, Emberfist had come and saved them. They had a feeling that they would meet someone who would be helpful to their mission.

"I still don't think it's Lord Amo who had killed Vincere," said Zhanshi, breaking the silent journey. The answer he received was the looks from Chi and Vincere that hinted he would never realise in his lifetime of how inhuman Lord Amo had become.

"Then, who had really killed Vincere?" said the real Vincere.

"There are similarities between the deaths of Chief Ti, Phopo and Vincere," said Zhanshi. "Their wounds are sharp. Only a sharp blade could inflict an acute wound. I had served Lord Amo for many years, and I'm familiar with his attack. He's not the one who uses a blade. His method of attacking is to controlling pressure within his enemies, ripping them from inside."

"If I am the killer," said Vincere. "I would not use my own attack to tell everyone that I'm the killer."

"Lord Amo is not the one who likes to hide," said Zhanshi. "He never afraid to tell the world what he will do and he had done."

Vincere was at a loss of his words. Perhaps Zhanshi was right; he knew more Ziwo than him.

"Zhanshi, how does it feel?" said Chi. "Lord Amo's pressure controlling."

"Excruciating," said Zhanshi. "It did feel like being ripped apart."

"How do you know?" said Chi.

"I felt it before."

"Lord Amo used his attack on you?" said Chi, sounded a bit stupor.

Zhanshi didn't answer, but he gave his grave nod.

At midday, they stopped by the lake for rest. Chi was enthralled by the fishes swimming by. Vincere was looking over the lake while Zhanshi was resting under the shade. Chi had a sudden thought of her practice which she hadn't been practising for some time now. And she thought of what her mama had said to Vincere and gazed at him which he hadn't had any clue of what would happen... she launched a sudden swing of her palm to Vincere.

Luckily, Vincere managed to block her hand, which was just inches from his face. Probably Chi had held her swing.

"Chi, what are you doing?" said Vincere. He was jolted as in his voice.

"It's been so long me never practice," said Chi with an innocent smile. "We can practice together here. Besides, me had lost to you to the tournament. And it was because me was poisoned. It wasn't fair..."

"I hate you, Chi." There was a hint of sarcasm in Vincere's tone.

Chi giggled and continued to launch another of her supple moves. Vincere used what he had learnt from her to deflect her arms and launched another successive move. She countered and evaded. Both chuckled and were enjoying in exchanging blows and practices.

While enjoying herself, she spotted a disapproving shake from Zhanshi, "...these children..." and she gave a jerking-head signal to Vincere. He replied with a naughty grin – Chi and Vincere both pulled streams of water from the lake and launched the streams on Zhanshi...

Zhanshi got all soaked. Chi and Vincere both laughed out loud.

"How dare you..." Zhanshi didn't show sign of ferocity on his face when he sprang to action with his fist, readying his dragon conquering skill toward the two big children. Not long, three children were chuckling to themselves and exchanging skills.

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