Chapter 12 - A Death is Seen

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The next day dawn, the Warriors of Benevolent had begun packing up their belongings while some were still having breakfast. Chi was glad that she had found her mama. It was with the help of her papa, or perhaps the Universe. Vincere and Zhanshi were glad too, for her. Most warriors under Lord Benevence and their lord was glad that the war with Lord Phopo and the good-for-nothing alliance finally over. Most of the tribe in the alliance submitted to Lord Benevence. They were glad that the power-hungry lord had been brought down and the peace is one step closer. Lord Benevence too, were please and grateful that without his trusted soldiers, he couldn't defeat Yexin Phopo.

"Where were you yesterday?" said Vincere as he walked toward Chi, noticing Zhanshi turned to her while having a high protein diet.

"Me and mama were near the seaside."

"Chi, we received news last night," said Vincere. "The fake Vincere had left the alliance throne. The news of Lord Phopo's defeat had spread so fast. Now everyone's hunting for him."

Vincere and Chi could only empathise with the fake Vincere that they sighed. They had experienced being fugitives once and could only hope that the fake Vincere is far away from any possible danger.

From where Chi stood, she spotted Emberfist was chatting with his redragons' tribesmen. He seemed alright, like nothing happened yesterday. "Yesterday, he looked quite so sad," said Vincere. "Now, he is alright, unlike yesterday. I'm sure that he finally accepted that the chief had already in peace."

"Me think so," said Chi, nodding to what Vincere had spoken, but in her heart, she knew what really happened last night.

Vincere then walked away to join Zhanshi with his meal.

"Mama, that was Vincere," said Chi to her mama in a low voice. "He's the real prince of Imperiare. His papa, late Lord Imperiare had been killed by Amo."

"Ziwo Amo?" said Sunu, looking incredulous.

"Mama know Lord Amo?"

"Yes, he's your papa's best friend," said Sunu.

"What?" said Chi with a disbelieving face.

"Yes, Brother Jing and Lord Amo were best of friends. Righteous and full of justice." Sunu seemed so proud of her former but death spouse.

"Lord Amo righteous? But he had attacked Imperiare tribe and had killed Vincere's papa."

"Mama don't know if this is true. It may be someone spread the false rumour to gain an advantage. Mama had met Lord Amo, and he is righteous."

Now contradictory struck Chi. Which one she should believe? Her mama or her best friend? Was Lord Amo a power-hungry overlord or a righteous lord? She shook her head, trying to forget about it.

Soon, the armies had already packed their items and were about to leave. Emberfist came forward and bid farewell to Lord Benevence, and then to Chi. His eyes were still swollen, but his face was calm.

"Emberfist, have faith," said Chi. "You'll be a great chief someday."

"Yes, I know. I'm alright now. Thanks to you."

Chi looked at him and was relieved to know that he was really alright.

"Goodbye, Chi," said Emberfist. "And thank you for everything."

"The Universe will always take care of you, Emberfist."

The armies marched to the shore and they descended and landed on the ironclads left from the battle. The ironclads jump-started with shrieks and smoke billowed from the exhaust pipe as the ironclads steered toward Lord Benevence's camp. Chi stood at the deck with her mama to have one last sight of Igniswing, as the island getting smaller and smaller as they moved further apart. Perhaps Chi and her mama would not return to Igniswing forever. And Chi spotted a redragon at the island's cliff looking at the direction of the ironclads.

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