Chapter 18 - A New Vow of Destiny

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The heroes rode by the equines northward. After several Sols, they were miles away from Kinma City. Hoping that their journey ahead would be was safe and upon away from the Benevence's sphere of influence, they would all be free. There really was no point of avenging Vincere or the treasure. Chi could sense some little grudge inside Vincere.

They reached Good Hope Village. The villagers there were warm and welcoming. They knew Chi and her friends were kind and friendly. There was little possibility that the villagers knew Chi and her friends were fugitive since there was no poster of Vindicta sighted. Or it might be the villagers knew Chi and her friends were not like what Benevence had said. That was fortunate for Chi and most of her friends but not Zhu Ming as he had only a day of his life left.

"Where's Zhu Ming and Mirai?" said Zhanshi, sitting on the grass while facing Violetia and Ziwo.

"To the lake," said Sunu. "Zhu Ming and Mirai want to have a beautiful view for their last time. Pity Zhu Ming. Mirai would be very sad." Sunu was gazing the location of the lake; it was at the hill of a brown forest.

"It didn't feel right," said Violetia. "Don't you all feel strange?"

"What do you mean?" said Zhanshi.

Violetia had an edgy look. "How could we find Vincere so fast. Did Benevence let him free so easily because Vincere can take him to the treasures?"

The unrest from Violetia spread like a plague to all over the group. But Sunu and Chi were unaffected.

"Sister Violetia," said Chi. "We can find Vincere easily because of my papa's help."

"Yes," said Violetia. "But there is no fight. It's not that I like to fight, but isn't that is suspicious?"

"I agreed at both of you," said Sunu though she agreed at Brother Jing's help and the suspicious of an easy finding of Vincere. "It came to me that we escaped from River Spring Village quite easily. We must be careful."

"Perhaps Benevence is using us to lead him to the treasure," said Ziwo. His head tilted toward the warriors, and he had spoken in soft voice only they could hear.

"What if Benevence could find out the treasure of the Invicta Draven," said Vincere.

"Don't worry, Vincere," said Chi. "It's well kept far from here. Sister Nuwa had told me about the Invicta Draven's treasures. It is now safe in the tomb in Nuwa's Sanctuary."

A strong wind blew, trees swayed, and then something heavy landed at one of the trees. Chi and the rest examined the tree and what they saw jolted them.

"So, you all are here," said Benevence.

Chi gasped. Her words could have been heard by Benevence.

"What else you want?" said Ziwo.

"Benevence, you ungrateful leader," said Zhanshi. "After what we have done for you, yet you hunt us?"

"Like what people say," said Benevence. "The hunting dog becomes food as well after it is used to hunt game. A good bow is discarded when there are no birds left for shooting."

"All this time you have treated us like dogs?" said Zhanshi. Chi was disguised when Benevence laughing after compared them to a dog and a bow.

"Vincere already gave me his half piece of the treasure," said Benevence. "But the clue I got when I combined two pieces is so hard. I let him free so you Chi, could save him, as I expected. And you have told me the location of Draven's treasure. Thank you so much. It's a pity that you'll have to die." Benevence then drew out both his swords, each embedded and empowered with red-glowing ignium metal. He launched himself with his swords swung full force at Chi's group.

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