Chapter 10 - An Unexpected Visitor

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No one could ever think of Zhu Ming's sudden change of attitude toward Chi. So unexpected that Chi was surprised how Zhu Ming had better thought and attitude toward her. Zhanshi and Vincere were surprised too at how easy she forgave him though he had condemned her for the sin she had never done. Her friends were at first suspicious, but when she explained everything, only that they believed and accepted Zhu Ming.

For weeks, Chi and her friends continued their mission to keep the peace, patrolling and guarding their designated areas against Solluna and redragon's attack. Lord Benevence was in his mission too as he was planning for his next step, gathering intel and finding for more warriors of the same aspiration. With Lord Benevence's strategic master plan and defence, they managed to thwart most of Lord Amo's attacks. But the redragon's attack was random and difficult to predict. Upon receiving the news of redragon's attack, they hurried to the place which was under the attack to defeat the redragons. More cities and towns had their defence against the redragons. And more warriors of congenial mind had come to join the Warriors of Benevolence. Weeks passed so fast that they never realised the summer had arrived.

Zhu Ming planned to treat Chi as a token of apology and decided to take her to a place where she could have her favourite meal with a scenic lake view. But she didn't just go with Zhu Ming alone, and so he asked Zhanshi, Vincere and Mirai too. They went to the north lake, which was surrounded by villages, farmlands and fishing spots.

They had reached the dock. An otter-like Cyaian was waiting for them. In fact, he was the oarsman; he pulled the boat nearer so the warriors could hop into the boat. Once they had leapt into the boat, the oarsman dipped his oar into the lake and swept the paddle away from him, making the boat move further away from shore. From where they stood, they saw a thin green line around them separated the azure sky from the sapphire water. The scenic view was none like the other scenery they had ever seen. It did feel as if it was from another world.

Chi felt tranquil. Raising from her seat, she took out her bamboo flute and place the flute near her lips, and she blew through the opening. A soothing tune came out from the other end of the flute as she danced her fingers along with the flute.

Zhanshi and the others were baffled by her carefree expression and a talent to express herself. They were enjoyed by her music. After some time, Vincere raised from his seat and began to express himself.

A friend from afar comes forth,

Isn't it a pleasant moment?

A friend shares a congenial thought,

Isn't it a wonderful moment?

All beings are different and separated,

Only if all share the same dreams;

Imagine all beings when all are united,

A grand harmony it brings.

Once Vincere had finished, Zhanshi, Vincere and Mirai sang as their songs were accompanied by Chi's music. Zhu Ming continued to look at the scenic view as if nothing had happened. He did have a look as though he was going to jump off the boat anytime.

"It's had been long since me play this flute," said Chi once they ended the song. "And we should all sing together more often."

Zhanshi, Vincere and Mirai nodded to Chi's statement. But Zhu Ming ignored; he just had a quick glance at Chi before turned to another view.

"Really wonderful," said Zhanshi. "Affinity has brought us all here. It's peaceful when we can enjoy ourselves together, like now."

Once they reach another shore, the boat stopped, and the oarsman tied the boat to a wooden log. Zhu Ming led the heroes through a stair to a huge wooden building.

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