Chapter 8 - Fight till the Final

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Chi, Zhanshi and Vincere had one last meal with Prosper before he went his separate way. The first semi-final match was between Zhanshi and Zhu Ming would begin soon. The victor of this match would compete in the final match. Chi and Vincere found their place at the front row before the stage so that they could have a close-up view at the fight just to make sure Zhu Ming wouldn't dare to play any trick.

Zhanshi and Zhu Ming entered the stage with a powerful tide of cheers welcoming them. Both of them prepared themselves for their fight while looking at one another with cautious. Once they were readied, the referee rang the bell and shouted. "The fight begins!"

At the same moment, both Zhanshi and Zhu Ming leapt, readying fist and kick toward each of them. Zhanshi evaded Zhu Ming's kick while his fist missed Zhu Ming. Zhu Ming had managed to avoid Zhanshi's fist. Several series of fists and boots of dragon conquering skill from Zhanshi failed to land on Zhu Ming... this happened because Zhu Ming was more agile than Zhanshi. It was not apparent that who would win unless either one becomes exhausted. It seemed like they would fight for an eternity... unless any of one resolved to trick.

It suddenly came to Zhanshi that he tilted as he was looking at someone behind Zhu Ming... and that distracted Zhu Ming to look behind, to see what Zhanshi was looking at. Without any hesitation, Zhanshi gave Zhu Ming a punch, sending Zhu Ming fainted on the spot. It was a stroke of luck that Zhanshi managed to trick the master of tricks.

The whole crowd cheered as the referee pronounced Zhanshi victorious.

The heroes had dinner together, and they were curious about how Zhanshi could think of distraction to beat Zhu Ming, which Zhanshi said, "it just came to my mind. Luckily, I haven't run out of tricks."

The other day was the match between Chi and Vincere. The sky was cloudless. It looked like the Sol really wanted to watch the match. Before the match, the heroes had breakfast together.

"Good luck to two of you," said Zhanshi. "Whoever wins, I'll be please for you."

"Sister Chi," said a young mouse-lass, who had appeared from nowhere. "I always love the way you fight. It's so graceful." She then offered Chi a glass of sparkling blue juice. "Here, I wish you good luck."

"Thank you," said Chi as she took the glass. "How sweet. What's your name?"

"Evsa," said the mouse-lass. "I know you'll win the upcoming match. Just have sensed it."

"Thank you, Evsa." And Chi drank the juice.

"For the champion to be!" And every one of them clinked their glasses and drank.

And they headed to the stadium for the second match of the semi-final. Those who win in this match shall make it to the final to face Zhanshi while the unlucky one shall face Zhu Ming for the third place. Chi and Vincere headed to another entrance with so much spirit and enthusiasm. As both of them entered the stage, roars of Chi and Vindicta's name echoed from the crowd. Even before match had started, Chi and Vincere already knew who would be the winner.

"Chi, remember what we promised?" said Vincere. His voice was clear despite the loud roar echoed from the crowd.

"Yes." Chi nodded with a sweet smile. "Let's see whose skills are better."

Once the bell had rung, and the referee had announced the battle had started, Chi and Vincere readied their defensive position. Without any warning, Vincere sprinted toward Chi while she still remained calm. She could expect where Vincere would deliver his blow that she was more than ready to deflect the blowback to Vincere as an offence. Yet, Vincere could evade as Chi launched her offensive.

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