Chapter 11 - The Battle of Igniswing

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The speed of their travel under the guiding of Emberfist covered the lost time when they had fought Yexin Phopo. When they heard the faint sound of waves hitting the sandy beach, they knew they would reach the seaside soon. The Sol was behind them, hanging low at the western sky, painting the scenery of the floating isles with orangish hues. Chi never saw Igniswing Isles in the orangish landscape, and the Sol himself was in orangish-red; like the colour of her former physical form.

She recalled her life as a redragon which was never a pleasant one though Igniswing was her birthplace. No one ever treated her kindly for the differences she had from the rest of the redragons. Redragon was supposed to be vicious, but she was gentle. This had made the redragons treated her in an unfriendly and disrespectful way. The only redragons who treated her with love was her mama and Chief Rouge Ti. Now Emberfist had begun to treat her better.

"Chi, I'm sorry for how I treated you last time," said Emberfist. "I know how you felt the day you were at Igniswing. You're gentle and totally different from the rest of us. The Igniswing is never meant to be your home."

"You have found your home, Chi. It's at Sister Nuwa's and Lord's mansion," said Zhanshi, as Chi was nodding to him.

Chi, Zhanshi and Emberfist had reached the shore. The warriors pulled the reins so that their equines stopped.

"You two hold my hands tight," said Emberfist, offering his hand to Chi and Zhanshi. "I'm going to take you to the place where my chief resides."

As Chi and Zhanshi had taken firm of Emberfist's hands, he flapped his wings hard and leapt off like an arrow that had bolted from the bow. So fast that Chi could felt torrent of wind whipping her face. Once, they reach the edge of the island, Emberfist slowed down his flight and Chi and Zhanshi loosen their hold on Emberfist's hands and land on Igniswing's ground. And then, Emberfist landed on the ground with a thud.

Two redragons were surprised, and even more surprised at Emberfist who had brought a lady and a greendragon. If it was Emberfist's hunts, both of them should be lifeless.

"Who are you?" One of the redragons spoke.

"Chi Myst'wing."

The name gave both the redragons great shock. Chi was supposed a redragon, but why she was a graceful female lady?

"She's really Chi, Brightspark," said Emberfist. "It's a long story and it's not an important topic right now. We have urgent news to bring to Chief Ti."

"Yes, Emberfist, to chief you go." One of the redragon directed them to the location of the chief.

"Thanks, Pyre." Emberfist then beckoned Chi and Zhanshi to follow.

"Luckily, we need not fight him," said Chi and Zhanshi, "thank Emberfist." They both noticed Emberfist had a slight glance at them which he said, "that doesn't mean you need not to fight the chief."

Chi and Zhanshi followed Emberfist through the barren woods until they reach the redragons' settlement. At the settlement where there were scattering bones of the hunting remains and with the all the redragons watching, they walked until they reached the foot of the dragon head mountain. From the mountain's foot, they headed to a cave that when looking from afar, it appeared like a dragon head.

"They want to bring urgent news to the chief," said Emberfist, looking at the redragon who stood at the side of the entrance. The redragon then disappeared in the dark cave.

Not long, a deafening beating of drums echoed to the sky. And then, the same redragon emerged from the dragon head entrance. "The chief asked you to enter."

Chi and Zhanshi entered. After some time of walking in the dimmed pathways lit by torches, they reached the top where brighter light source glows from a chamber opening. They continued to walk, with their eyes followed the long pathway until the end of the chamber, where the chief and the elders were sitting in a curve facing them.

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