The First Day

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"What is your name?"
"M-my name?" You never thought of your own name. You stood there in silence.
"Don't have one?" You shake your head.
"Alright then, goodness, it's pretty hard to find a name that suits you miss." He looked at you for a while.
"Let's see, something with the letter, 'T' in it." He kept looking at you.
"Trina? No. Tiffany? No. How about Catherine? I know it doesn't start with the letter 'T' but it sounds delightful for you! Don't you think?" You nodded your head and smiled.
"Alright, then it's Catherine. Now, first of all, I have to show you around my Hive, second, get you some more decent clothes." You nodded again, smiling.
"You do know you can talk if you wish?"
"O-ok." He looks at you oddly.
"What did they do to you over there? Is it alright if I see your back?" You nodded once again.
"Y-yes sir." You quickly remove the rags you had on and showed him your back. He gasped in horror as he sees all of the scars the Highbloods left for you as a remainder of slavery.
"Goodness! What in the heavens happened to you."
"I-I was being bad, I-is what they told me." Now, every time that you talked, you stutter. He sighed.
"We will get you some decent clothes at once. Please, wait here for my other fellow helpers. I do not use the terms "slaves" for it is not something a single troll should be called. Also, I know I haven't said anything about your horns, but, those are some type of horns I have never seen before, where do you come from?" You begin to shuffle your feet after putting your rags back on.
"I-I was created."
"Oh my, does it trigger you in any sort when I ask you these questions?"
"A-a little, but not a l-lot."
"Should I stop?" You shook your head.
After about a short explanation on "troll-made trolls," the other maids bring in your clothes and help you out getting ready for everyday life. They help you shower, put your maid outfit on, brush your hair, and put your makeup on. In about one hour, you were ready. You sit down on your master's bed and he talks to you again.
"Now, you clearly must know my name. It is Kankri Vantas, but after being to other troll's places, they were supposed to be called "master" so I suggest calling me "master" only when guests are around, any other time, you shall call me Kankri. Is this triggering you or are you ready to start your day?"
"Y-yes Kankri." You're going to have to get used to the "master" with guests and Kankri by other times schedule, but you were pretty ready.
He gave you your supplies and you got right to work. To be honest, you don't really like the maid outfit, due to its lack of shortness, but you learned to cope with it.
You already cleaned all of the bathrooms and all of the rooms in a matter of time before the new guests arrive.

Kankri X reader [FINISHED] [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now