Inseparable part: 2

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You walk to the area Kurloz pointed at. You see Kanny in chains, bloodied and bruised. You look at him in awe. You don't know why, but it's just amazing that he survived this and how hard they treated him. Disrespectful. Yet, impressive. You spawn a sword right out of your hand and threw it at the chains, catching Kanny as he fell. He started to wake up.
"Hey there sleepy head."
"Don't talk so much, we need to get you out of here." He nodded and closed his eyes. You left the room and saw all of the guards standing right at the door, all terrified of your trickster self. You giggled and your wings flashed open and wind pushed them back. Making your escape.
"Hmm, not much of a fight was it?" You giggled and flew to Kanny's hive. Nothing else really happened besides birds flying by.
-time skip-
You finally reach home, and your trickster self is finally gone. Every bone in your body was back to normal somehow, but your eyes are still the same, red and half-white. You knock on the door, knowing that they are going to be scared of you of how you look like, but once they understand, you really hope they understand. Susan opens the door and screams.
"Hey Susan."
"Yea, but I need, well, he needs help." She looks down at Kanny and covers her mouth.
"Iris!" A maid named Iris quickly ran towards Susan.
"Rose!" Another maid named Rose quickly ran towards Iris and Susa.
"Alright ladies, we need to treat him with extreme care! The two maids quickly grabbed him and headed to his room. Susan stayed behind and took me somewhere I have never been to.
"Cat, go inside this." You could see what it was, a cage.
"No, I can see in the dark, it's a cage."
"Cat, I don't want to be rude, but," you felt Susan push you inside locking it. She turned on the light and your eyes began to burn, adjusting to the light.
"I'm sorry Cat, but we don't want you hurting anyone."
"Susan? What do you mean? I've never hurt anyone!"
"Oh really?" She tilted her head and pointed at the purple blood stained on me.
"Ok, he grabbed my foot and another Highblood shot him."
"Sure Cat, but listen, I'll come to get you some food everyday, also, nice dress." You look at the dress you were wearing. (F/c) long, silk dress, with a (f/c) ribbon tied around your stomach, (f/c) heels, and a (f/c) bow on your hair.
"Um, thanks." She left the basement, you now realize, and you sat there, let's see, bed, restroom, (f/h) [kit], and a pair of clothes you had in your bedroom.
'Great.' You thought.

Kankri X reader [FINISHED] [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now