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You are Catherine? We thought you were still unconcious! Hey, what are you doing? Don't just sit there and die! Get your sorry ass up, Kankri has been taken away by Grandy!

You look to the sky with your red eyes, halfway white. You're almost dead and you are going to fight for your life until you get Kankri back. You look at your surroundings. Bushes, trees, trees, more trees, even more fucking trees, and the sky. Wow. That's it. Oh yea, you forgot one more thing, grass. You stood up, you whole body aching. You see something on the ground and pick it up.
"Candy?" Your eyes widen, FINALLY! Your stuttering has stopped!!

Stop lolligaging and investigate the fucking candy Catherine, remember? Kanny is gone and your happy that your voice is normal again? Selfish person.

You look at the candy and just, stare at it. Your stomach growls, hell no. You'd rather starve, but the candy looks so good! No! You look at the candy in your hand and begin to drag it to your face. You are NOT eating candy from the floor. The candy pops into your mouth thanks to the fucking author. It's very sweet.

Your eyes widen. Shit! Shit! Shit shit shit shit! Everything is all colorful and your whole body is back to normal. You look at your clothing and it changed as well, it was no longer the purple dress Kurloz gave you, it was (f/c) tights, along with (f/c) skirt, (f/c) shoes with (f/c) designs, your shirt had a little (f/c) bird and (f/c) backround. You looked at your (h/l) hair and it was (f/c), on your hands were (f/n) gloves. Man, you were colorful. Your wings were (f/c), (f/c), and (f/c). You spread you wings out and began to fly. You flew even faster than you have ever done, you were at the castle in a snap. Either that, or you were just close by. You looked in the window and smiled.
"THERE HE IS!" You said it so loud and so glitchy-like that even the guards heard you, and even retreated. You looked at every single one of them and followed the last one.
"I just want a hug! :D." You almost grabbed the soldier until the doors closed on you.
"Aw, you guys are no fun." You flew over head and the soldiers hid.
"Dumbasses." You giggled and flew to the entrance. The frightened guards looked at you.
"Let me in please." They did what you told them and Grandy stood up, angry as ever.
"HOW THE MOTHERFUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE?" You went straight to his face.
"And where did you put my Kanny Mr. Grumpypants?" His eyes widened, you guessed he didn't like the nickname. He raged and tried to hit you with his clubs, you dodging and making little silly comments.
"Aww, you're too slow silly!" *swish*
"Aw! Just missed me." *blam*
"Hey, you missed me again and hit the wall clumsy!" He screamed. Now getting frustrated. Kurloz and the youngest came out to see what was going on. You saw Kurloz and flew right to his face.
"Hi Kurloz!" You pinched his cheek.
"Aren't you a silly person!?" He looked confused and a little worried. The youngest came and tried to attack you with one of his clubs. When be swung behind your back, you caught it, like eyes were in the back of your head.
"Nuh uh! You don't hit a little lady do you?" You broke his club in half, giving it back to him. He ran away terrified. Who knew? The youngest was more scarier than Kurloz, and yet he was terrified of you. You guess that it was his favorite one or something.
"Now, where's Kanny?" He pointed his arm out, shakily.
"Oh you don't need to be scared! Trust me," your mood changes back to where you were.
"I know how to change my personality while in this.. Weird thing." You can tell that he just exhaled. He smiled and pointed, leaving you to go by yourself.
"Thank you!"

Now look what you did, you sacred off Gamzee and now Kurloz is worried about you. Who knows what Grandy is feeling right now? :3

Omg! An
Almost 1,000 reads! I love all of you so much right now! :3 I'm glad you guys love the rollercoaster of feels! >:]

Kankri X reader [FINISHED] [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now