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You are Catherine. It has been a week, and Kankri hasn't returned for you. You knew he had a broken arm, and it was probably very painful, so he had to stay at the hospital or even at home for this long, but today is the day you are going to escape. You're tired of eating troll blood and having to sit in a cage. You got so used to Grand Highblood that you just call him 'Grandy' now. He still treats you like a slave, but he would let you out to hang out with the oldest Highblood.

His name is Kurloz, and he is practically one of your best friends here. After this whole time here, you learned to play violin, piano, cello, and bass, but your favorite one was the violin. You and Kurloz would usually play duets together, even in front of Grandy, who really didn't care about music, but he's missing out. He also taught you how to sign, so he doesn't need to write anymore.

It's almost time for your plan to go in action. Usually around 5 he would let you out, it is now 4:13. You still have to wait, maybe you can convince Grandy to let you out at 4:30.
"C-Can I come out at 4:30?"
-time skippy-
It was 4:30 and you are finally out of your cage, you don't even need to be helped down. You can just fly down, and ever since your mutation, the wings helped so much, but the beak was a bit much. You flew to the ground and headed to Kurloz's room.

Once you got there, you told him about your plan and he frowned, and signed.
"I-I can't handle all of the food here, yes it's good, but I can't eat troll blood constantly."
>I sEe." He grabbed the cello and began playing sad music, showing that he was going to miss you. You grabbed the violin and started playing a cheerful tune. He looked up at you and you both stop.
"Y-You know, I can secretly visit you, but I have to visit at shorter times." He nodded and smiled. You knew he was flushed for you, but you know yourself that you were flushed for him, but your red for Kankri and nothing's going to change it. You asked Kurloz where the biggest window was, and he pointed at the end of the hallway. You smiled, your dress Kurloz gave you shimmered in the sunlight. He smiled and an indigo tear ran down his face. Poor Kurloz. You hugged him.
"D-Don't worry, I'll come by as much as I can and we can play our instruments together." He straightened up and quickly ran to his room, grabbing the violin that you always played.
"I-I couldn't." He signed.
>I iNsIsT, jUsT sOmEtHiNg To ReMeMbEr Me By." He handed you the case and you were on your way to the window. Kurloz walking by you. He opened it and you stood on the edge, looking below as all of the ant-like trolls walk by. You were, and estimating, about 10 stories high. Few, your fear of heights better not get to you now. You turned around and looked at Kurloz, hugging him again, and finally jumping out of the window. Your wings broke open and you were now flying.

Hey guys! Fyi the pic above is what the reader is seeing as she is flying :3 if you want to think of a different scene, go ahead, I'm not going to stop your imagination! :33

Kankri X reader [FINISHED] [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now