everybody knows

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Beam's POV

I thought he wouldn't let me. He will come with me to my room. He just left me. WHY?

Am I not attractive to him? Am I that dirty because I sleep with hundreds of girls?

I go to bathroom. Take a shover, rub all over my body. Maybe he is right. I'm not as pure as him. But I will take what he gives me. Yeah I love him that much.

_ I will do what he wants me to. ' I whispered myself.

3. Person's POV

Nobody from Forth's gang comment on their relationship that dinner time. They don't want to brag everything in a restaurant. So after Forth send Beam to his dorm goes directly to trio house.

Park , Max and Tul live in a house instead of dorm. It was Tul's father present for entering a good university. Ming also send Phana to home. Everybody has serious face when Forth came.

Lam stand up, Fist Forth and made him drop. Forth clench his jaw but didn't say anything.

_hey! Calm down. Listen to him first. ' Park try to relax him.

_ How can you do that to my cousin. 'Lam add. ''I trusted you. I thought you were my bestfriend, we will share every good and sorrow in this world. I'm not against you and him, but you lied to me!''

_ I didn't know he remember me. It wasn't my intention to keep secret from anyone. But when I found him crying, I coldn't control myself. ' Forth said ans sit one of the couch.

Are you really sure Forth. You have your own problem. Do you really want to add some with Beam? ' Tul asked.

_İs it too much to ask happiness? ' Forth's eyes got teary. 'I will convince them. I love them but Beam too.'

_ you have to be strong and perfect. I mean literally and figuratively. You are going to take Lien BARAMEE's one and only son. She is the Ice-Queen herself. You have to be strong both mentally and physically. ' lam said while caressing Forth's back.

Ming only shows a thump up. He can see sincrety in Forth's eyes. He will support him no matter what.

Marla calls David for the ninth time tonight. They have to protect forth from Lien. She packed some clothes and goes to his office. He called Mew to informed him. They always follow their Forth via social media accounts. Forth can sometimes be a rebel. Motorcycle races, fights are just some of them.

She tried her luck again but a cold woman's voice answered the phone.

_hi honey! Why don't we travel a bit? Get your jet ready. Tomorrow is Sunday anyway.

_ Don't even touch my husband you bitch.! You know it is not our fault!

_ You knew Beam was there. I told you not to send him there! What were you thinking. They found each other! ' she was crying. 'I told you, I don't want my son as wife. He is a man for godsake!

_ Lien! I know you are right. But let's hear them first okay. I didn't send Forth on purpose but we all know they didn't forget.

_I even accept your stupid plan on this and didn't see my bestfriend Lien, Please just listen to us this time' David add.

Lien called Ben 'Jaturapoom jet! In an hour! ' she ung up. David furrowed.

_I love my husband alright. We don't have to be lovely dovey like you. That does not make us less perfect. ' Lien hissed to David.

When the door knocking at the 2 am in the morning. Beam thought it was Forth. He froze when saw whole family with Forth

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