Chapter 7

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It was the only though Sophie had as she tumbled deeper down the pit of brokenness. She pulled herself up, jumping from a shard of memory to the next. Soon, she reached the tornado again. It swirled more viciously, and there was a lack of memories being lured towards it.

Time was running out.

Sophie searched for peaceful memories, even tried drawing out warmth from darkness, but nothing worked. Soon, there was all but one memory left. The tornado of shards was lured towards it.

It was a race.

Sophie swam against the winds of Oralie's mind and finally reached the memory.

Please be it, please be a happy memory...

Then the raging tornado came from the opposite side of Sophie and sucked the memory inside.


Then the tornado disappeared, fading away, finding nothing else to eat off.

Sophie tried to scream, but the sound was swallowed by the darkness. She was alone. The darkness had no texture and emotions.

It was numb.

Like it had no life.

Sophie didn't want to go back up to reality. Where all the theories she feared would be confirmed. But staying in the aching darkness would be worse.

It would be proof.

Was it her fault?

Her fault that she had not been fast enough to heal Oralie?

But there had to be something left.

There had to be.

But when Sophie dragged herself out of the darkness, she was greeted by sounds of sobbing.



And when she dreadingly asked Mr. Forkle if there was nothing else she could do...

He said yes. 

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