Chapter 18

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 "Sandor!" Sophie cried as she stumbled onto the hard, rocky ground.

Was Sandor okay?

Did he escape?

Did he not make it?

Sophie couldn't live with herself if her fearsome bodyguard had died for her.

"Miss Foster, I'm glad you're okay." Sophie, eyes brimmed and blurry with tears, looked up.

It couldn't be.

"Sandor!" Sophie exclaimed, leaping up to hug him.

He stepped back, dodging her. "I have these idiotic shards of glass on me, best not to embrace quite yet."

Sophie quickly examined him. Most of his body was covered with flakes of glass and some occasional streams of blood.


"Are you alright?!" Sophie asked, wishing that Sandor could have escaped unscathed.

"Don't fret about me, I've gotten worse," Was all he said, before stalking over to the middle of the cavern. It was then that Sophie got to appreciate how big and spacious the Black Swan's hideout was. There were green lanterns hanging on the sidewalls, with multiple large paths in the middle of the cavern.

"Don't worry, it is perfectly safe," Mr. Forkle said, appearing behind Sophie.

She almost wanted to choke him with relief.

But had everybody gotten out in time?

Sophie tried to recount the number of people who were in Havenfield at that time.

Her friends, Grady and Edaline, the Collective had been all in the hideout beforehand.

Flori was in the preserves, so she should have been fine.

Iggy wasn't in Sophie's room before, so he was probably in the hideout as well.

The alicorns as well.


Who had healed her injuries?!


"Mr. Forkle!" Sophie urgently and hysterically asked. "Where's Elwin?! Is he ok?!"

Mr. Forkle paled, which made Sophie go almost berserk.

He had to be ok! Elwin was the one who saved her life countless times! How could the Neverseen do this to him?!

"He - he might have light leaped to Foxfire before us," Mr. Forkle stuttered. "I'll go check on him."

Sophie winced. She wanted to do something. If something had happened to Elwin...

"Everybody else is at the back. Go there," Mr. Forkle struggled to find his leaping crystal.

He stepped into the light before Sophie could say anything. 

Stellarlune - KOTLC Book 8.5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now