Chapter 14

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Lady Gisela.

She held the knife closer to the whining alicorns' necks.

"One more squeak from them, and they're dead," Lady Gisela warned.

Sophie couldn't think. She couldn't teleport, the first sign of it would lead to Lady Gisela taking a first stab. It couldn't end like this. They had to act smart. She looked desperately over to her friends. They all appeared to be deep in thought but distressed. Except for Keefe. He was staring, traumatized, at his mother. The only thing Sophie could do was transmit to Luna and Wynn to be quiet.

Wynn! Luna! Don't whine!

The little alicorns stared into Sophie's eyes with terror and sadness, not even able to bob their heads up.

Mommy! Daddy! Luna transmitted to Sophie. It made her look over to the limp alicorns who showed no sign of waking.

"What do you want?" Keefe said with no emotions. It was as if he didn't want to do or say anything wrong that would mean the death of the beloved alicorns.

"You know what I want Keefe," Lady Gisela replied with a smile.

What did she want?

Then suddenly, Sophie remembered. And it looked like all of her friends did too. Biana stared at Keefe with profound sadness. Fitz and Dex looked like they were holding themselves back from charging Lady Gisela. Tam seemed to try to fade into the shadows. And Linh was twining her finger anxiously while momentarily looking at Keefe.

"And don't even think about asking for your bodyguard, Sophie," Lady Gisela added. "I've taken care of him." The bored, yet wicked grin on her face made Sophie want to gag.

What had she done to Sandor?

Sophie nodded, unable to do anything else.

"Well, I'll speed things up whether you like it or not," Lady Gisela said.

Her stomach bubbled with dread.

"Simple, if you ask me," Lady Gisela continued. "I'll let go of your precious alicorns if you give Keefe to me."

"Never," Sophie barely managed to snarl.

"Let me make it clear," Lady Gisela pressed the flat side of her knife against Luna's neck. Wynn was unable to resist a terrified whiny. Sophie's heart stopped. "I'll let that go for now," Lady Gisela said. "Now. I can easily take Keefe from you, but I dare say it isn't worth the risk. It also proves to you how many ways I've got, to get what I want."

"Okay," Keefe responded with a dreaded steady look.

No. There had to be a different way. The Neverseen couldn't take Keefe from them again.

Biana, Tam, Fitz, Dex, and Linh all looked torn.

They couldn't fight.

They had acted too late.

The Neverseen would win this time.

"By the way, I wouldn't hesitate to kill Luna and Wynn. We have better bargaining chips," she added, tightening her grip on the knife.

"I'll come," Keefe whispered.

Sophie couldn't resist a sob from gurgling up her stomach.

Lady Gisela removed the knife and sheathed it as Keefe took her hand. She then put the two trembling alicorns down on the ground as they managed to teleport to their parents.

Would they ever wake up?

"Wait," Sophie realized. "What about Greyfell and Silveny?"

In response, Lady Gisela clamped a magisdan handcuff onto Keefe's exposed wrists. He sent Sophie a panicked look as he tried to move.

With that, they leapt away.

Stellarlune - KOTLC Book 8.5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now