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"Error!" Palette screamed, scrambling forwards the bridge in time to see the Destroyer fall into the Void, and his kidnapper enter the Temple like building.

The Destroyer had sacrificed himself to save him.... His Dad had always treated the guy like the villain, but in that moment, Palette saw someone who would do anything to protect something.

He had saved him, even after everything his Dad had done to him....

He sobbed, not really seeing how much time had gone by, until he heard someone yell his name.


He looked up in time to see his Uncle Nightmare running over to him. "Uncle Nighty?" He asked, even as the goopy being pulled him into a hug, quickly pulling his cell phone out of his jacket.

"Dream, I found Palette!"

"Where is he!?"



"Hold on Sweetie! I'm on my way!"

Palette burst into tears. He wanted his Mom.


Goth sighed, even as his Dad was getting his Magic ready to create a portal to Reapertale. They had to get Ink's Soul back, now!

Because even with Broomie acting as long term life support, they had no idea of how long Ink had been without his Soul...

Well, his Dad didn't, but Solas's memories told him that it had been a very long time....

Goth was upset, Solas was free now but why hadn't Umbra been freed? Had he been created for reasons similar to Solas, so why wasn't he free?

"I know how to free my Big Brother!" A voice suddenly said. "We just need to open the door before we can do that... "

"SOLAS?!" Goth yelled, looking around for the Light Guardian, only to find his Spirit floating besides him. The Light Guardian hadn't changed but he was wearing a long, gold scarf now.

"Hi Mama!"


Solas giggled. "The nice Fate taught me how to free my Big Brother! I just need some help from you Mama. Umbra left something that you gave him in the place where I hid Inky's Soul!"

"I gave him something?" Goth asked. "But I don't remember giving him anything..."

"You gave it to him before Big Brother became Big Brother! Big Brother and Solas were counterparts before Big Brother and Solas were born!"

"But the most recent present that I gave someone was..." Goth stopped talking, with a sinking feeling in his stomach as he remembered who the last one to get a present from him had been. "Shades..."


He was snapped out of his thoughts by his Dad, who was standing by a portal. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Dad, it looks like that Solas and I are just like Cross and his Chara, but we can talk about that later." Goth got ready to go through the portal. "We need to get Ink's Soul back."


Reapertale was quiet.

It was too quiet....

Goth and Reaper landed right in the middle of Reapertale and no one came to greet them. There wasn't even any sign of the Guards.

"Dad?" Goth asked. "What's going on? Where is everyone?"

Child of Death, Destroyer of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now