Chapter 15 : Back

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Yoona's P.O.V

It must have been Donghae. Luhan couldn't lie.

"I'm going to bash him up. Go away." I stood up as I pushed Luhan's arms away.

"Babydeer ah, don't go. Its not his fault that he lost you, right?" He tried to calm me down.

"IS IT YOUR FAULT THAT HE LOST ME?! IS IT YOUR FAULT THAT I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU?! IS IT YOU FAULT THAT HE BASHED YOU UP?!" I screamed and bent down to to cry. Tears flowed down my knees.

"Hey. Calm down, okay? I love you." He kissed my tears away. I finally calmed down by Luhan's soothing.

".......I hate you." I murmured, tears still flowing down my cheeks.

"But I love you." He giggled and wiped the tears off my face softly.

"You're a dumb ass." I kicked him.

"Owww!!" He pouted.

"All your own fault." I said softly but still rubbing the part I kicked him softly unknowingly.

We just gazed at each other for the next five minutes, me totally blanking out.

"So...we're having lots of time together now." Luhan smiled and put my fringe of hair behind my ear. He's trying to cheer me up, I could tell.

"Yeah. We've been kicked out of SNSD and EXO." I turned my head around, still mad about him.

"But we're going back right? Exo and SNSD couldn't do without their most handsome and prettiest face-of-the-groups, right?" He said cheerfully. "Babydeer ah, cheer up." He pouted.

"Fine. Ahh, you're soooo cute!!!" I pinched his cheeks.

"Arghh!!! Painnnn!!" He screeched.

Suddenly, someone rushed into the room.

"Hi guys!!" It was Sehun. "How are you feeling today, hyung?"

"Sehunnie! I'm okay." He said and hugged him. "Where are the others?"

"Oh. They're coming. They're just walking up slowly." He said, pointing at the door.

"HYUNG!!!!!!" Suddenly, the room was filled with men yelling, screaming, hugging....

I cleared my throat.

"Erm. Guys? I'm here too." I said.

"Hi noona!!" They said together and started chatting again. Ugh, guys these days.

"Hyung!! When are you gonna marry noona?" Sehun asked innocently.

We both froze. I looked at his red face and burst into laughter. Out of a sudden, everyone else started laughing too. Well, everyone except Luhan and the clueless Sehun.

After huge laughter, Luhan decided to get rid of the topic.

"Guys, don't you have schedules?" He asked.

"Yeah. But after 2 o'clock. Why? You want us to go so you can spend your time with hyung-soo-nim (sister-in-law)? Chanyeol teased him.

"YAH!!" He stood up to give Chanyeol a punch.

"OWWWW!!!!" He suddenly collapsed to the ground, holding his backbone.

"Luludeer! Are you okay?!!" I rushed to his side with the others.

"Mmphff!!! PFFHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAH!!!!" The boys suddenly burst into laughter.

"What?" Me and Luhan looked at each other, totally clueless.

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