Book 3 chapter 7

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It's crucial that we locate Aiwei, but there's another mystery to solve right now. Who was that mysterious figure you encountered? We won't rest until we figure that out. Everyone was on their feet, determined to find Aiwei. Nokara even had a handy device that could take pictures and track down the person it was aimed at.

Varron: Wow, Nokara, that's actually a pretty nifty device.

Mako: Yeah, it could definitely come in handy.

Nokara: I had a feeling you'd like it, cupcakes.

She playfully kissed Mako on the cheek, causing him to blush slightly. He shot a look at his brother, noticing Bolin trying to suppress his laughter.

Bolin: mocking Cupcakes.

Mako shot Bolin an annoyed look and a mildly angry glare.

Y/n: But before we focus on that, we need to uncover the identity of that person.

Varron: Totally with you on that. We can't just let them disappear like that. They've traumatized innocent people, they need to be held accountable.

Y/n: I can see you're coming into your own here. You've got so much potential, and I can tell you'll be a great fighter.

Varron: Thanks, Y/n. With your encouragement, maybe I'll finally win that girl over.

Y/n: Good luck with that, Mr. Romeo.

Varron: Haha, thanks. By the way, it's not just about her looks. She's genuinely kind, and I think she deserves someone who treats her right.

Y/n: You're a stand-up guy, Varron. I believe you'll win her heart. Now, let's head out and see if anyone in the city has any information about this guy.

You went all around the city, questioning people to see if anyone had any knowledge about Aiwei. So far, though, you've come up empty-handed.

Varron: Hey, I wonder how the girls are doing.

???: Hi there.

Surprised, you turned around and accidentally bumped into the person. As you looked closely, you realized it was Guanshi.

Y/n: Oh, my bad! Are you okay?

Guanshi: No worries, I'm good.

Y/n: What brings you out here?

Guanshi: I'm on patrol. Su trusts me to help out.

Y/n: Gotcha. By the way, have you heard anything about Aiwei, the man in the red and black robes?

Guanshi: Sorry, I haven't come across any information about that.

Y/n: No problem. Let's keep searching for Aiwei then.

After asking around, you regrouped with the others and entered a building. Naga paused to sniff the ground, and you all gathered around as Asami parked the jeep nearby.

Korra: Naga's onto something. Aiwei definitely passed through here. Great tracking, girl.

Y/n: Looks like we're making progress. Let's keep asking around. Someone might have seen something.

As you and the team continued searching, you noticed wanted posters on the walls, all issued by the Earth Queen.

Y/n: Well, that's not a surprise. I'm guessing this is because we saved those airbenders?

Korra: The airbenders weren't meant to be kept by the Earth Queen. Next time I see her, I'll let her know that.

Y/n: Hold on, maybe not right now. Let's focus on finding Aiwei first.

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