promise (joseph joestar x reader)

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esidisi, wamuu, and kars have all held me captive ever since they put the rings around joseph's throat and heart. they wanted to kidnap me for assurance he would come back and kill them, and i was starting to lose hope after caesar had died right in front of my own eyes.

tonight was the night of the battle, and they held me right in the middle of the arena in very revealing, ancient roman clothing. they told me that was the prime of women in there time.

they tied me up to a poll as my bones shook from weakness, but my heart was racing because i haven't seen joseph or lisa lisa in so long.

i closed my eyes and rest my head against the back of the poll. there was no use trying to get out. my attention was quickly drawn to the sound of footsteps, which i snapped my had in the direction and i finally had seen joseph.

tears weld up in my eyes as him and lisa lisa approached. i didn't want to speak to him, because i didn't want to distract him. but he quickly flashed me a little wink and a smile and my heart completely melted. i realized that he had caesar's headband on too, which also made my stomach drop.

lisa lisa looked emotionless with her sunglasses on, yelling at joseph to prepare himself, but he was too busy on the ground. "what is he doing!?" i mumbled to myself, the race was seconds away as joseph was just screwing around.

"jojo come on get on the chariot!" lisa lisa yelled from the balcony. he did, and the race started, but wamuu didn't even move.

"sneaky bastard.." i smiled at myself, shaking my head at the foolery of rocks underneath the chariot. joseph's horses sprinted off, and he grabbed he hammer right away. i smiled some more, but wamuu quickly grabbed a huge poll, hitting joseph with it.

fear quickly rushed over me, so much that i passed out.


i jumped awake, but in a comfy bed. something i wasn't used to for a month. the sheets were soft along with the blanket, and my back actually felt good. "how are you feeling?" lisa lisa's stern but soft voice asked as she sat next to me.

"i feel really good" i smiled up at her, pushing some hair behind my ears. i felt cleaned, and i noticed i had fresh clothes on.

lisa lisa must've noticed my confusion, because she was quick to speak. "joseph actually gave you a bath and changed you" she stroked her arm soothingly up my cleaned skin.

"where is he?" my heart raced at the thought of him, and i wanted to see him now.

"he went out." she chuckled at my eagerness to see the boy. "he wanted to buy you stuff before you woke up"

i nodded my head as a blush came across my face. "jeez," i fiddled with my hands anxiously. "what happened after i passed out?" i asked lisa lisa.

she explained to me everything in detail of that has happened, and everyone was such a huge shock to me. one thing after another, it just seemed like something out of a movie. "lucky, we still have the the stone secured"

"good" i nodded my head. i opened my mouth to say something else, but i heard a door open.

"is she awake yet?" i heard joseph's voice boom from what seems like downstairs.

"i'll send him up" lisa lisa ran her fingers though my hair once before she got up, and she left the room. my heart was pounding anxiously... i really couldn't wait to see him. it's been almost thirty-three days..

the knob of my door fiddled a bit, until my love walked in. "(y/n)..." he dropped all of the stuff he got me on the floor and ran over to the bed i was in, jumping on it. he engulfed me in a huge hug, pulling me into him as much as he could.

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