i'm so sorry (rohan kishibe x reader)

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"hello i'm sorry to bother you but, could i possibly draw you?" a random young man said behind me. i turned around and looked at him, and he definitely looked very unique.

"me?" i asked confusedly, my finger pointed to my chest.

"yes, if it's not too weird" he uncrossed his arms and held one hand out to me. "i'm rohan kishibe, i'm a manga artist and you just seem like good inspiration" rohan shook my hand gently.

"oh," i said, the realization hitting me. "i recognize the name. sure i'll go with you" i shrugged, and we started to walk some place.

"so how old are you dear?" rohan asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket. he was also carrying a portfolio under his arm. 

"nineteen" i pushed some hair out of my face nervously.

he just nodded as we walked the rest of the way to his home. i don't even know why i'm agreeing to do this, after all he could be a serial killer.

after five minutes we arrived, and he opened the door for me. "we will just go up in my studio, and then i'll start sketching" rohan took off his coat as i slipped off my shoes. i walked up his stairs following behind him and went into the big, nice studio. "you could just do whatever for now. i'll set up" he said, sitting down at his desk and organizing things.

i looked around and grazed my fingers against all the books he had in here. he had some pretty nice artwork hanging around that i'm assuming he did by himself, but i still wanted to ask so there was at least a conversation. "hey did you do this all by yours-"

"heavens door!" he interrupted me as i quickly turned around and seen the stand, but it was too late. my face felt like it was just lifted and it was as light as ever. i ended up falling back on the floor from the impact of the stand.

"w-what?" i looked up at rohan as he bent down over me. i then looked down at the pages on my face and freaked out even more.

"sorry love" he mumbled while writing something on my cheek. as my heart started racing he flipped though my pages, and he mumbled what i had 'written.' "traumatic childhood... harsh parents.. good grades.." he went on and on and i realized everything he was saying was true. "she even thinks i'm cute" he chuckled to himself as my cheeks heated up.

i had enough of this guy reading me, so i withdrew my stand. secretly behind him, i made her clobber him right in the side of the head, causing him to get off of me. "what do you think you're doing?" i shuffled back terrified. my legs were way too wobbly to even stand up.

"but how?!" he replied, even more shocked then i was. "i wrote that you couldn't attack me!"

"i guess it didn't work creep" i used the bookshelf to help me stand up, ready to leave. "i cant believe this..." i mumbled to myself, leaving the room.

"wait please," rohan grabbed my wrist to prevent me from walking any further. "i'm so sorry, i really am" his eyes softened as he spoke. "you're so interesting... please tell me more about yourself. i promise i won't use my stand on you no more" i didn't answer him, i just sort of gazed up at him. "god, i'm really sorry" he kept repeating himself over and over again, until i finally gave it.

"fine" i shook my head and walked past him, going over to the window sill and sitting on it, still a bit skeptical. we sat and talked for a little while more, until the sun started we to set. "i should probably head home now.." i started to get up and leave his office.

"no not yet," he said kindly. "i don't think you've had dinner yet. please let me take you out, i feel horrible"

since i was a broke collage student, of course i was going to take his offer on food. "alright," i said, and i nodded a little bit.

he led me out of his home, and i still followed, keeping my guard up. i didn't realize how cold it was, but i brushed it off. "anything special you like?" rohan held his head up and his hands in his pocket. he definitely seemed embarrassed.

"you can choose" i replied, holding my own hands as shivers were down my spine.

"good" he said cockily. we talked the rest of the way to the restaurant, and it was much more fancy that i expected it to be. i mean, i guess if your a twenty year old rich manga artist, you can do whatever you please.

we ate peacefully and he told me i could order whatever i wanted, and so i did. i even ordered extras so i had leftovers for my apartment, and he chuckled at me. "what?" i said after our waiter left. "i need the leftovers for my apartment. my fridge is literally empty"

"i wasn't judging you" he held his face in his hands while looking at me from across the table. "get as much as you want"

we talked the whole time, and even though when we first met he realized his freakish stand on me, i still managed a way to find him attractive. he's just so... different. so much different that anyone i've ever talk to before, and he had my respect.


he walked me back to my complex, and i stood in front of my door with a bag in my hand with the leftover food. "don't hesitate to call me if you need something" rohan said softly as my cheeks sort of went pink.

"i wont" i smiled up at him, rubbing my feet together anxiously. i did what felt right, and gave him a little kiss on the cheek as a little thank you. "goodnight rohan"

"goodnight (y/n)" he smiled down at me and we parted ways.

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