Book 3 chapter 8

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The scene unfolds within a desert-bound structure, as a group of individuals make their way towards an Earth Kingdom airship. At ground level, Korra is wheeled on a dolly, while Asami walks with a lowered head, their restraints evident.

Korra: (urgently) (As they push her up the ramp into the airship) Please, you have to let me out! The Earth Queen is in danger from a radical group known as the Red Lotus. (She shifts her focus to the captain) I encountered one of them in the Spirit World yesterday. He's completely unhinged!

Captain: (casually, with a toothpick) (Entering his ship) Yelling about terrorists in the Spirit World? You might be the one sounding a bit unhinged. (The hatch closes as he steps inside, and the engine hums to life, propelling the airship into the sky.)

The scene transitions to Korra and Asami being confined in the ship's cells. Korra is chained to the wall, while the crew secures Asami to the floor.

Asami: (attempting to charm) (While being chained) Do I really have to be tethered to the floor the entire trip? It's going to be terribly uncomfortable.

Arik: (securing Asami) (Chuckles) I'm following orders, Ma'am.

Asami: (persuasively) (Nods towards a nearby railing) Can't you perhaps attach me to that railing? I mean, where exactly am I going to escape to? (The ship crew glances at her.)

Arik: (agreeing) (Chuckles again) As long as you're restrained, I suppose it doesn't make a difference. (Fastens Asami to the railing)

Asami: (grateful) (Smiles) Thank you, Sir.

Korra: (requesting) (From her position) Can I get... some water?

Arik: (denying) (Shakes his head) No water. We won't be delivering rocks or fire either, so don't even ask. You'll have air to breathe, but that's about it. The cell won't be opened until we reach Ba Sing Se. (He exits the cell.)

Korra: (reflective) (To herself) I hoped Mako, Bolin, or even Nokara would've shown up to rescue us by now. I wonder if they're alright...

As the scene unfolds, Y/n and Varron, crucial figures in this tale, are also chained up in close proximity to Korra and Asami. Their presence and interactions underline their importance in the story, and Y/n's dialogue reflects Bolin's personality and concern for his friends.

Y/n: (expressing concern) (Speaking to Korra) Hey, Korra, don't worry. We'll figure a way out of this mess. And you, (directing a supportive smile to Korra) I've got your back, just like always.

Varron's reassuring presence and supportive words further emphasize the bond shared among these characters.

Varron: (comforting) (Addressing the group) We've faced tough spots before, right? (Nods towards Korra) And you've got an entire team that's got your back. Don't count us out just yet.

The scene transitions to a truck making its way through the desert. Inside the truck, Zaheer is steering while P'Li occupies the passenger seat beside him.

Mako: (voice-over) (The camera shifts to the back of the truck, where Ghazan and Ming-Hua are seated, observing Mako and Bolin, who are bound together on the floor.) If you think (His gaze shifts to their captors) that holding us captive will give you leverage against the Avatar, you're in for a surprise.

Ming-Hua: (sarcastic) (Looking at the brothers) Can we just enjoy some quiet time together?

Mako: (inquiring) (Speaking to the captors) And why did you keep Korra alive when you had her incapacitated in Zaofu? Why not end it there?

Ghazan: (cryptic) (Leaning back) The world is on the brink of change—for the better.

Bolin: (chatty) (Glancing at Ming-Hua and Ghazan) So, you guys spent around fifteen years locked up? Must've been super boring.

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