Mission Un-impossible

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Alright! A new chapter huh. About damn time. Well good news. I should be updating this book a little more since we only have one week left on online school. Also due to the fact that thanks to my amazing therapist, I am doing much better in my mental health. I would also like to point out that while re-reading last chapter i noticed that i had put Drake had a son, then later on put he had a daughter. I don't know what the hell was going through my head but Drake has a husband and a son. I fixed the problem. Just to clear up some confusion. Enjoy the chapter!!

 This is stupid. Virgil noted to himself as he walked through the town. People were screaming and running away calling authorities as they saw Anxiety. He wasn't even doing anything just walking down the street and these people were already scared. Well you are a famous villain, dumbass. He rolled his eyes as Princey stood casually by the lamp post observing his finger nails. 

"Been a while since dropped by. Whats the occasion?" 

"I missed your face, Princey."

"Flattery won't make me go easy on you, Hot Topic."

"Just missed the look on your face when I land a punch." Princey chuckled. 

"New suit?"

"Yeah. What do you think?" Anxiety posed.

"It makes you look more like a depressed teenager then the last one."

"That's enough, Princey. This is a battle not a Tinder date." Anxiety laughed as he turned to look at Logic. Anxiety whipped his head around to look at a very embarrassed Princey.

"Tinder date??" Anxiety cackled. 

"I am NOT on Tinder." Princey whined. Anxiety laughed again. 

"Logic you got him good." Anxiety complimented. Logic stood up slightly taller and adjusted his glasses. No matter how much Logic reminded himself it was the enemy who complimented him, he felt a small sense of pride swell in his chest. 

"Are you boys playing nice?" Morality bounced over. Anxiety looked at the three of them he was surrounded on 3 sides. Morality waved enthusiastically at Anxiety. Anxiety noticed his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hi, Anxiety." Anxiety did a 2 finger salute to him.

"So nice reunion, but its been 3 months and nothing. Why now?" Logic asked.

"Well, I was just trying to go for a nice walk."

"Like hell," Princey added. "What's your objective?"

"Well in the words of my boss, 'stir up some trouble, will you? Smirk.'" The 3 heroes gave questioning glances at each other.

"Smirk?" Morality questioned. Anxiety shrugged.

"So you're just here to fight?" 

"Well cause trouble. But i didn't even do anything before you guys showed up."

"So we foiled your plan?" Princey asked hopefully.

"Honestly i didn't have one so. Yeah sure." 

"Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to get the job done." Deceit's voice echoed through Anxiety's mind. Anxiety winced at the sudden loud noise and grit his teeth. Morality noticed his wince.

"You ok, kiddo?"

"Morality." Logic whisper scolded to him but Anxiety took no notice. 

"Well guys I'd love to stay and chat but really I must be getting on my way." He began to walk off when Princey walked in front of him.

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