Guests at the Graveyard

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TW:Mentions of death, 

I was rewatching DWIT and it gave me a Donald Trump as the second Remus bashed Roman over the head. 

I have school tomorrow.... aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

"Everyone ready?" Logan asked standing by the front door. 

"I got the snacks." Roman called holding up 3 Walmart bags of snacks and drinks Patton had picked up the day before. 

" I have the aux, and blankets." Patton called from the living room.

"I have my wallet and the keys. Anyone need to use the bathroom before we leave? Its a 3 hour trip." Roman set down the bags of stuff before running to the bathroom. Patton walked over with the blankets in his hand. 

"Ready for a road trip, Lo?" Logan smiled and kissed Patton's forehead.

"I don't think i'm ever ready for a road trip with Roman" 

"I'm ready to go now!" Roman exclaimed running out of the bathroom.

"That was fast." 

"Did you even wash your hands" Logan exclaimed. Roman gave an offended look at Logan.

"What kind of disgusting creature do you think I am? Of course I washed my hands." Logan shrugged it off. 

"Ok if everything is ready, let's go." Roman picked up the bag of snacks and they all filed out of the house. Logan shook his head slightly. Roman was kind of like the child Patton and Logan had adopted when they were gradeschoolers, partly because that's what he was. Roman was an adult and knew when to get serious, but other than that he was basically a grown child. Patton had insisted Roman lived with them after college. The only reason Logan agreed is because it was safer. Logan loved Roman like a brother, but he honestly couldn't wait until he found someone and moved in with them. 

The 3 compiled into the car, Logan in the drivers seat, Patton in the passenger, and Roman sitting in the middle row. Logan started the car and they were off. 

The car ride was as quite as a car ride with Roman could be. They each took turns listening to their own music, (no one said anything about the MCR songs on any of their playlists). Of course, Roman  made sure to keep them entertained with various stories, and scenes from musicals, (which resulting in him singing every part). Patton enjoyed listening to Roman's story. Logan wasn't as amused. Roman was in charge of snacks, drinks, and trash since there was more room in the back. But Roman didn't mind. Him and Patton always ate more than Logan did on trips, but they always had his favorite snacks for when he did want something. 

When they arrived at the cemetery, the 3 silently got out of the car. Patton grabbed a small bouquet of flowers. They all turned down the volume on their phones, just so a message wouldn't disturb anything and began their walk to Virgil's grave. As they got closer they had realised they weren't the only ones visiting their friend today. A man was standing in front of the grave silently, his arms folded in front of him. The 3 hidden heros were confused to say the least, but figured it must be family. Logan took Patton's hand. When the 3 grew close, they slowed down and stood behind the man respectfully. He turned around breifly and then did a double take, before turning around completely.

"Oh! Uh, I'm sorry am I in your way?" The man apologised. Patton immediately reassured him

"Oh no, you're fine we just came to visit Virgil." Patton said gesturing towards the gravstone. The man looked back at it for a moment before nodding.

"Oh. Uhm, I'm Matthew. I was, uh, Virgil's cousin." Logan shook his hand.

"I'm Logan. This is my boyfriend, Patton." Matthew shook Patton's hand as well. "And our third wheel, Roman." Roman gawked at Logan for a moment, Matthew chuckled. Roman turned to face Matthew and shook his hand.

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